*Both agent and doctor run through the country side to the seemingly abandoned shack at the top of the cliff. All the zombies have entered the village by the time they get there and none are insight*

We need one undead zombie and one undead zombie colonel (of sorts)
the undead zombie will probably die but this person can then come back as another minior or major character.
The undead colonel shall not die.
Last edited by Sentinel; Jul 25, 2011 at 06:20 AM.
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard
*Heading to the shack with pwn maxwell begins to wobble a bit.*
Maxwell- I dunno if I can make is there anybody here?
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
*agent pwn looks at maxwell. this hill isnt that steep. he bends down to help maxwell up*
Agent-that blue scar you have on your neck.... is that a birthmark??
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard
*Nickone is fearing for his zombie life as he hears gun fire*
*Maxwell now feeling even worse checks his neck, to find the scar*
Maxwell- it was never there I don't think.
*After saying that Mawell passes out*
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
* a wild captain falcon appears and uses falcown pawnch its super effective *
-_- delete that post please captn falcn. follow the rules.
*Agent Pwn sees Maxwell writing on the ground*
Pwn: Shit.
*Agent Pwn shoulders Maxwell and sprints into the villiage*
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard
*the human slaying zombie Nickone stays hiding to try and form a army of zombies to attack the intruders*
Zombie: BlAhugahgu
*Agent pwn stops*
Pwn-They are coming
*Agent pwn pulls up his left sleave revealing a myrid of glowing blue indentations, unlike maxwells scars which were turning dark green, these indentations seemed to hold energy*
*Agent pwn forces his hand against Maxwells neck, his eyes roll backwards and the infection is slowly brought back into his body*
*Agent pwns eyes roll backwards and glow blue*
*Agent pwn blacksout the last thing he sees is maxwell recovering and some zombies running at them from the distance*
Pwn-taa....kkee......... my........ m16
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard
*Maxwell now somewhat stable now grabs the M16 Agent pwn left on the ground*
Maxwell- I hope its not three round burst

*maxwell closes his eyes and unloads the gun into the wave of zombies comming towards him managing to kill most of them and only a few straglers he left on their kneecaps Maxwell takes a vial from his jacket*

Maxwell- I don't know why I didn't think of this before

*Maxwell pours the vial into Agent Pwn, it takes a few seconds but Agent Pwn starts chocking for air and eventually begins to come to.*

Maxwell- still not strong enough to go on.

*Maxwell summoning all his reamaing strength lifts pwn and carries him to the nearest house which luckly isn't zombie infested, maxwell lays him down on a bed and Maxwell collapses*
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...