I liek your app, Get4times2. I would vote yes, But it's not my choice, Also do join chat in the Irc
#valor so we may speak more
Rythm smells like Cheese
First name: Jansel
Age: 13 (but I'm mature)

Location: USA

Spoken language(s): English and Spanish

Timezone(GMT): GMT -5

Previous clan(s): SoA,Nightmare,Hero,(Urban,other account)

Ban(s)/infraction(s): 4 infractions of use-less posts

Reason for joining: Well it's new and I could help it out I'm not in-game anymore for several reasons

Special skills: Countering shovels,replay making, and a bit of video making stuff.

Personality: Funny,mature,I love random humorous videos on youtube.
I love games I love dogs second of everything my mom is first I'm kinda a momma's boy :l
Last edited by iPirateGuy; Apr 24, 2012 at 09:47 AM.
I like the apps of iPirateGuy and Get4times2.

Both accepted. Be sure to check both the DSC and this thread. Adding you both to Recruits.

First of all, i want to say hello, second, i would like to apply for this clan,and joining this clan.

I would like to introduce myself, my name is GalaxyMN,on a real life,Fauzan. I'm thirteen. Well, I'm in Indonesia. My main language is indonesian,but i can speak english too. My local timezone is +7.

Toribash History,
My previous clan is Son Of Ares, i think only that clan that i'v been in it. I have no infraction.

Reason For Joining,
I see,the dsc of this clan is cool,and tidy. I have no idea to say,but i would like to join this clan because i want to help this clan to be official of course,and i can donate some items if you want.

Special Skill,
Well,my special skill not many,only one, i can make an avvy. Also, i can make video,but i cant upload it on youtube.

Well,i think it's enough. Thank you for your time to read this application. I appreciate if there any opinion about me .
Nothing or nothing you can see
If I can vote.

I say no. 1. He's an alt. 2. His main is already in a clan. 3. His main is a rank farmer.

You could do better Hucota.
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Originally Posted by Athin View Post
If I can vote.

I say no. 1. He's an alt. 2. His main is already in a clan. 3. His main is a rank farmer.

You could do better Hucota.

wai wai wait. an alt ? yes i'm an alt, my main account is Bocin,not oranganeh,remember,i'm not oranganeh,and Bocin is not in any clan.
Nothing or nothing you can see
Yes sir, him.

Why don't you just use your other account then, Galaxy?
Also, I remember you telling me you were oranganeh.

Also, you just quit SoA 28 minutes ago. Really dude?
And it was a clan-hopping reason to leave.
Last edited by Athin; Apr 24, 2012 at 11:03 AM.
~ .....Want to become a Market Squid? PM me an application!.....~
~ .....Market Squad..... | .....Administrator.....~
~.....If you have any questions PM me or DM me on Discord: athin. .....~