Everyone here wears these tight testicle-constraining chinos.
It pisses me off, why would everyone want to look and dress the same?
Where's the creativity? I refuse to participate in any dress trend, especially this one.
Chinos don't even look good.
Everyone in tasmania is hipster.

I FUCKING hate it. Metro jock pussy mouth wankers trying to dress like a skateboarder, like tyler the creator, trying to generate "swag".

FUCK OFF. I've been wearing knitted jumpers since grade 8, my nan knitted them for me and I thought they were practical as fuck seeing as how cold it is down here. But I was called weird by the "popular" group cause it wasn't a ripcurl hoody like the rest of the fuckheads. My whole friendship group was the same as I was, ripped ramones shirts, knitted jumpers, rat, black tight jeans. Since the fucking cradle I've been repping the punk/indie look. H

Now though, WOOOOOOOW, aren't those jeans cool rolled up to your calves with no socks on, vans and a cardigan?
No, your legs are cold, that cardigan was your nans and you look like a fuckin poof.
They took it too far and now everyone wears brown leather doc martins, sips coffee out of a glass and loves a warm, pulsating dick within their ass.

Last edited by Peter; Jun 26, 2012 at 06:11 PM.
Originally Posted by kingBen View Post
Tank tops, skinny jeans (sagging), toms shoes, v-necks.
Love them all.

Anyone whos genitilia can actually fit in a pair of skinny jeans loses my respect.
I know a lot of guys who seem to be having only v-necks. What are they thinking? 'Oh boy, should I wear my white v-neck today or my black v-neck?'
Right now:

Plaid shirts with top button undone, drainpipes (They are jeans TIGHTER than chinos. Personally, I never wear them, too constraining),high tops and a DC cap

Edit: I am talking about my age, 11-13 year olds wear this stuff
Originally Posted by WickedHayo View Post
Anyone whos genitilia can actually fit in a pair of skinny jeans loses my respect.

Usually skinny jeans aren't tight around the crotch area, only on the legs.
Atleast the ones i wear.
Well, fashion of my country: fucking everything, hipsters, metals, bullies, punks, bums... and many others..

But the most popular fashion is drinking, lol.
Really the cheapest items in the market. Check it http://forum.toribash.com/tori_marke...ername=Trewnek
Originally Posted by Trewnek View Post

But the most popular fashion is drinking, lol.

Yes what?
And drinking isn't really a fashion, is it now?
It's more of a trend.