yo guys im back im on my alt but im still running the clan hope u keep donating to PonyBank ;) now lets be offical clan DONATE!
-thx bronyfan
yo guys im back im on my alt but im still running the clan hope u keep donating to PonyBank ;) now lets be offical clan DONATE!
-thx bronyfan
Last edited by dashie1234; Mar 17, 2013 at 03:50 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Where do I sign up (if I have to)?
funny blue smiling person
please to be enjoying lowkido
let's bring minibash back!
my orange belt
'm good at judo and get along with any other mode was not necessary to explain how I am and how I like it more eh ae hope I can join you
Any space on the clan for me? :P

Blue belt; best mods are aikido, taekkyon, judo and classic; is semi-good at gimp; computer's browsers have all broken so I will be active ig but not so much in the forums. Alt is Xomm2.

Enough info?

Also, I can cut uke in half and rip his arm off in classic and I almost never lose a game on good days.
Belt:3rd Dan Black Belt
PR0 Mod: Aikido, AikidoBD,Mushu,Wushu3,Ninjutsu and ErtkTkV2
Name/Nickname: Vendoor
Rank(To The Nearest Thousands: 50-100

Apathetic User