Im 14 and a brown belt that's about to be black and i have been playing for three years (on and off). I play about every week and i want to join this clan cause well... i have fought some off the players in it before and i feel like i can have potential to make it better.
Hello, my name is Powergrid12 or my real name is Drake. i absolutely loove this game and gaming all in itself, I am also an aspiring athlete, I am in Track and Field, Basketball, Soccer and Baseball. im on mostly everyday for a few hours at a time. i hope you accept me, also I love sparring and parkour. as well as boxshu mushu. I look foward to meeting everyone.
I'd really like to join, so here's a rap.
I wanna get this clan, on the map.
420BongSquad, that's my name.
Tryna' stay humble, but I'm good at this game.
Confidence is key, and my belt is blue.
You should see me when I play ninjutsu.
I have no life, so you'll see me here a lot.
So yeah hey, just give me a shot?

One more thing, I forgot to say.
I got 3-4k, headin' your way.
As in the StonersBank of course.
Money might be the greatest resource.
And one last thing, I'm not tryna' be brash.
But maybe we should call it the StonerStash.
Last edited by 420BongSquad; Oct 11, 2015 at 06:19 PM.
Giselle is my name, and I suck dick for fame. I only like Pussy, so I don't fuck with dudes. But hey I'm a slut, so PM me for nudes.
I play everyday I can the only time I don't play is when I can't which is very rare I am a blue belt but have been trained by a 6th Dan black belt and I would really like to join