I really don't think that, The people is finally fighting for an better life, everyone in the govern is fag, and every brazillian know that.
Why do you ever think that the people is wrong? Well, if you're talking about stupid thugs and vandals, you're right, but this isn't everyone.
People are wrong because they put these politicians there. To "represent" them. People are wrong because they have not studied about the life of that politicians and even then voted for them. People really do not care about their votes. And the result is always the same: corrupt people in power.
Originally Posted by Chris937 View Post
People are wrong because they put these politicians there. To "represent" them. People are wrong because they have not studied about the life of that politicians and even then voted for them. People really do not care about their votes. And the result is always the same: corrupt people in power.

Although I agreed with some of what you said in your previous post, I must disagree with the statement that ''It's all our fault''. It's not that simple, were dealing with a whole nation here. Our community has little to no investment on education and you want constructive researches by our people, specially when we are filled with misleading propaganda by political parties and their promises of progress. Should we have the initiative to go look for information ourselves? Yes, we should. Is it wrong to blame it all on the government? Yes. But so it is wrong to blame it all on society (Damn, specially for a country like ours, its even wronger). We elect people who present us with a vision of progress, which was the case in every election campaign we ever had. Now imagine this, we both know how poor some regions of our country are, and how many are there. What do you think of the people who live there? Do you think they have the condition to go look for information on their social environment? Dude, most of them can't even go to school. And you know I'm not talking about a minority here. All they have is a television, that bombs them with massive propaganda on how this wonderful political party will make their lives better. That's all they fucking have. Then you have this one guy who is running for president/mayor/governor, he visits some of our extremely poor communities, shakes a few hands, smiles, takes pictures with children, giving even more emphasis on how fucking awesome their lives will be if they elect him. What do you think it's gonna happen?

We've been experiencing the results of that for all these years.

I'm saying it again, it's not all the government's fault that most of us don't seek to know more about our politicians, because people can have a will of their own and go do whatever they want with their lives. But in a community with no education whatsoever, provided with nothing but futile TV shows and misleading news, filled with lies to show them how wonderful their country is, and how 'charismatic', 'cheerful' and 'peaceful' we are, there is no chance that is gonna happen.
Originally Posted by sidvicious View Post
Although I agreed with some of what you said in your previous post, I must disagree with the statement that ''It's all our fault''. It's not that simple, were dealing with a whole nation here. Our community has little to no investment on education and you want constructive researches by our people, specially when we are filled with misleading propaganda by political parties and their promises of progress. Should we have the initiative to go look for information ourselves? Yes, we should. Is it wrong to blame it all on the government? Yes. But so it is wrong to blame it all on society (Damn, specially for a country like ours, its even wronger). We elect people who present us with a vision of progress, which was the case in every election campaign we ever had. Now imagine this, we both know how poor some regions of our country are, and how many are there. What do you think of the people who live there? Do you think they have the condition to go look for information on their social environment? Dude, most of them can't even go to school. And you know I'm not talking about a minority here. All they have is a television, that bombs them with massive propaganda on how this wonderful political party will make their lives better. That's all they fucking have. Then you have this one guy who is running for president/mayor/governor, he visits some of our extremely poor communities, shakes a few hands, smiles, takes pictures with children, giving even more emphasis on how fucking awesome their lives will be if they elect him. What do you think it's gonna happen?

We've been experiencing the results of that for all these years.

I'm saying it again, it's not all the government's fault that most of us don't seek to know more about our politicians, because people can have a will of their own and go do whatever they want with their lives. But in a community with no education whatsoever, provided with nothing but futile TV shows and misleading news, filled with lies to show them how wonderful their country is, and how 'charismatic', 'cheerful' and 'peaceful' we are, there is no chance that is gonna happen.

So you are talking about the media manipulation.

You are returning for the starting point of this cycle:
The media is all manipulated by the politicians and by the big companies here in Brazil. And then, they (big companies and politicians) can manipulate the population using the media as a medium. And then, they influence population in their votes. And finally, population vote for politicians who stole money and manipulate them, restarting the cycle.

But you are forgetting that the population do not have only the television as a communication medium. They have their work, their friends, their kids... And I'm sure that at least one of them are not manipulated too. The digital inclusion has reached even in the Favelas. The population certainly can get access to information. They just do not care for it. Ask whoever you want, but very few people will remember who they voted in the last election. Some people just sell your votes as an object. This proves that they do not take it serious. And finally, the television says "vote in politician X", and then they just vote without at least asking "What he will do for our country?" or "Is he reliable?".

I really expect people are learning with those mistakes and then starts to take their duties seriously. Or our country will never get in "Order AND Progress". Always only "In progress". =\
Last edited by iver; Jun 25, 2013 at 08:10 AM.
Even in the case of Favelas having access to internet (which is not, by any chance, as common as it is in a community like ours) you can't seriously think people would just go for it and make productive researches about politics and the such. They just ''don't care''? It's not the case of not caring. Its the case of not being given the chance to stand for what they believe to be right, to be correct, because at no moment in their lives they received education. I mean actual education, not just learning how to make an Ionic Bond. And you should know, there are so many communities in Brazil that are so much worse than Favelas, in terms of welfare and social structure. Do you think you'll be seeing those places on TV? People there live overwhelmed by crime and violence, some of them on the brink of starvation. With no money, no health, no security, nothing that every human being deserves. In many cases their only choice is to engage in a life of crime as well. ''Their work, their friends, their kids'', well, what about them? What information would they get from a kid? What information would they get from their work, or friends? Aren't they all under the same circumstances? please note, a community like a Favela is not something you can compare to your or my community. It's completely different. If you can look for information on your own it doesn't mean that someone who has nothing in life can, specially when they can barely afford their basic needs. Also note that the eagerness for knowledge is a result of an educated mind.

You should remember that most of political campaigns focus on poor communities like Favelas, oh and they invest a lot on it. ''The Media is manipulated''? No, it takes care of itself, the Media itself wants profit, it makes money out of people's ignorance. A nation that thinks, that comes up with its own ideas, opinions, is their worst nightmare. Plus, I don't have anyone among my family or friends that voted randomly for any candidate. Another detail, a politician that has no history of corruption is not necessarily the salvation for a government. What is right for the people to do is happening right now in our streets.
Last edited by Sidvicious; Jun 25, 2013 at 05:24 PM.
Chris doesn't seem to grasp the under-privileges of certain areas (slums,ghettos,favelas,etc.) that sure it's eaiser to say well it's their fault they elected them. (Might be re-saying what Sid just said) but when your government keeps you dumb and you know nothin over then what you've been told. It's not really their fault. Also don't use the "well they should go out and seek answers" argument. If you are told one thingis this way your entire life and someone says tht one thing is now a different way, would you be so quick to believe them? This is how the politicians got into power. Now with the riots and stuff I feel they finally did smarten up, but to say they should of instantly knew what was going on is pure bigotry
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Chamara, please.

Everyone who stands for their rights must be respected equally. There's no such thing as ''this manifestation for justice is better than that other one''.

And if you're only talking about the physical damages in your country, I'm aware of them, and I'm sorry it is true. Virtually everyone here who watches a newscast knows about that, and some people believe it helped spark the revolt here. Now if you think that the fact people there being treated more violently shows they have more determination than we do, I must say you're being childish.
Originally Posted by sidvicious View Post
Even in the case of Favelas having access to internet (which is not, by any chance, as common as it is in a community like ours) you can't seriously think people would just go for it and make productive researches about politics and the such. They just ''don't care''? It's not the case of not caring. Its the case of not being given the chance to stand for what they believe to be right, to be correct, because at no moment in their lives they received education. I mean actual education, not just learning how to make an Ionic Bond. And you should know, there are so many communities in Brazil that are so much worse than Favelas, in terms of welfare and social structure. Do you think you'll be seeing those places on TV? People there live overwhelmed by crime and violence, some of them on the brink of starvation. With no money, no health, no security, nothing that every human being deserves. In many cases their only choice is to engage in a life of crime as well. ''Their work, their friends, their kids'', well, what about them? What information would they get from a kid? What information would they get from their work, or friends? Aren't they all under the same circumstances? please note, a community like a Favela is not something you can compare to your or my community. It's completely different. If you can look for information on your own it doesn't mean that someone who has nothing in life can, specially when they can barely afford their basic needs. Also note that the eagerness for knowledge is a result of an educated mind.

You should remember that most of political campaigns focus on poor communities like Favelas, oh and they invest a lot on it. ''The Media is manipulated''? No, it takes care of itself, the Media itself wants profit, it makes money out of people's ignorance. A nation that thinks, that comes up with its own ideas, opinions, is their worst nightmare. Plus, I don't have anyone among my family or friends that voted randomly for any candidate. Another detail, a politician that has no history of corruption is not necessarily the salvation for a government. What is right for the people to do is happening right now in our streets.

Originally Posted by Agentmax View Post
Chris doesn't seem to grasp the under-privileges of certain areas (slums,ghettos,favelas,etc.) that sure it's eaiser to say well it's their fault they elected them. (Might be re-saying what Sid just said) but when your government keeps you dumb and you know nothin over then what you've been told. It's not really their fault. Also don't use the "well they should go out and seek answers" argument. If you are told one thingis this way your entire life and someone says tht one thing is now a different way, would you be so quick to believe them? This is how the politicians got into power. Now with the riots and stuff I feel they finally did smarten up, but to say they should of instantly knew what was going on is pure bigotry

I was just starting to like this debate. But you do not rely on anything. Presenting only arguments without substantiate...
Gentlemen, the human being is not naive.
From a philosophical standpoint, Hobbes demonstrated that he is corrupted by society.
From the psychological point of view, if it were as innocent as you say, it would be an eternal child.
It's easy to say that's not my problem, not yours, not the Brazilian people. It's easy to say that all the problems comes from politicians, Sartre endorses this fact: "It's easier to blame others, human being will do this".
To say that people do not know the problems of the country itself is absurd. Wherever they are, they are here, in Brazil. And the poorer and isolated it is, the more these problems will be noticed by themselves.
You can not say that I "doesn't seem to grasp the under-privileges of certain areas", I lived in a Favela of São Paulo. I know what I am saying because I saw it near.
There are favelas poorer than which I lived? Yes, there are. But you can not say that these people do not know that the government are lying to them.
They are corrupted.
They only want the money from "Bolsa Família". You saw this fact when people spread that "Bolsa Familia" was over, our banks are still fixing the damages.
They only want to live in peace, without worrying about "complicated" things like politics our elections. It's easier to sell their votes and take some money to their families.
Just think in a different standpoint. Think over this.

I'm just ending my part in this debate.
Last edited by iver; Jun 27, 2013 at 02:58 AM.
I tried to make it clear that I'm not blaming it all on the government, apparently I didn't succeed. It's not about innocence. I was not talking about the nature of the human being when I referred to alienated people. The human being is not naive only when he meets no boundaries to find out new information on his reality. I will respect your position and your opinion, but I just hope you considerate my point.

Deprive someone of information about their environment, someone who has nothing to rely on, no past experience or learning, and see what you'll get.

I also recommend you to watch the movie ''The Truman Show'', if you haven't already.