
Smoking in a house with children should be criminally punishable. That is just inexcusable. I don't think walking past second hand smoke once or twice a day will cause any real health concerns. That iss just my thought I could try to find a study to back it if you'd like.
Last edited by Banned; Aug 18, 2013 at 01:16 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
With the laws and regulations limiting where people can smoke, second hand smoke is not as much of an issue as it used to be. the general persons exposure to second hand smoke is really limited nowadays.
Unless you live with smokers, in which case, if its that much of an issue, do something about it. request that they smoke outside, or smoke less while in your presence.

That feel when a moderator edits out 80% of your post without giving a reason.
Last edited by BenDover; Aug 21, 2013 at 11:56 AM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by Mystery View Post
As by an athlete's view, smoking really bothers me. I have relatives that smoke, and by doing so it makes it really hard to be around them. The smell of it by my fit body just feels like a repellant.

As far as I know,(and as commercials try to convey by extremity) smoking can do some really bad things to your body. My question is, do you think smoking is worth a shorter life and possibly endangering the lives around you? What are your views about tobacco-like products in society, and although it is an addiction, people get a steady stream of money from the sales of cigarettes/the like, do you think could we afford to rid the world of it as well?

I'm only fifteen, and I've already decided to live a straight edge life(if you want to judge me or comment about that, PM me. Don't discuss it here).

Throughout my young life, I've seen the horrible effects of smoking. I don't support it. But I also don't try to command people to stop it. In my opinion, it's a matter of choice. It's alright to give advice to a smoker, especially if he/she is important to you and you care about him/her, but if the person has made it clear that he/she wants to smoke, let them be.

Something you should try to convince them about is to smoke responsibly. I've seen a lot of guys from where I come from who don't give a fuck about the people around them. They just blow that shit out like there's no one standing just inches from them. Not everyone is like deprav who keeps away from people's faces when he smokes. My dad smokes, but he doesn't do it around me or my little sister. It's up to him whether or not he's gonna quit, but he makes sure whenever he does smoke, other people aren't forced to join in with him.

Originally Posted by Mystery View Post
do you think smoking is worth a shorter life and possibly endangering the lives around you?


Originally Posted by Mystery View Post
do you think could we afford to rid the world of it as well?

No. Millions if not billions of people love to smoke. It will always be there to tempt them.

Maybe, just maybe we'll be able to rid the world of it, but certainly not within this lifetime.

Hopefully I'm wrong about that.
a spoon.
Originally Posted by Bulletron View Post
No. Millions if not billions of people love to smoke. It will always be there to tempt them.

Maybe, just maybe we'll be able to rid the world of it, but certainly not within this lifetime.

Hopefully I'm wrong about that.

Such an idea could only be enforced by a government. It would certainly improve global health, but no political party ever will have the guts to come up with an idea. Taking away people's liberties is political suicide, you can't expect a smoker to vote for you like that.
f=m*a syens
The government could never pass a law abolishing smoking. At least in the US, and if they did somehow manage to pass said law, on a state or federal level it would just go in front of the Supreme Court and be labeled unconstitutional.

Arglax Moderated Message:
Isn't that what I just said? Add more content or I'll delete your post. You have one day.
Last edited by Arglax; Aug 17, 2013 at 11:39 PM.
Originally Posted by Banned View Post
Arglax Moderated Message:
Isn't that what I just said? Add more content or I'll delete your post. You have one day.

No, it isn't. Arglax brings up the idea of proposing abolition, with the side note of it being rather unfeasible due to the likely political reaction.

What Banned says, in words, is that it's not only unfeasible, but likely to be impossible or at least ineffective, regardless of whether or not a political party wants to bring it up.

I'll not comment on which one of you, if either, is right, but you two are definitely making different comments. Could you two please stop going at each other's throats?

Edit: I would suggest that Banned read my contribution to his thread in Complain About Staff. Your conduct has been leaving something to be desired as well.
Last edited by suomynona; Aug 18, 2013 at 02:46 AM.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
yeah i have to say it is really annoying from my point of view. i personally dont like it. the whole 2nd hand smoke part is just more than annoying, at least a big percent of the people who smoke here don't care what so ever that they do and honestly that's hell for me because it acts with my asthma and makes it hard as fuck for me to breathe...So personally from me i see it as full out bad from really anyone's perspective of this argument and i hope that more and more area's become smoking free
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