But i told him we weren't jumping around scoring points, we were doing a planned spar which means it wasn't for points, and i jumped only twice. One for a really cool looking side kick, and to drop kick.

and the other guy i already mentioned had no idea what spar was. yet he still felt he had to say that?
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
It was a little laggy. The slow motion part(s?) didn't excite me. Use a sparring replay that is smooth and you know what you're doing.

The shader didn't fit as well.

I liked the end of the video, but the beginning was pretty amateur.
replay wasn't very good, sound effects were awful and you probably shouldn't bother using any, song quality was pretty bad, framerate wasn't so great, shader choice didn't fit at all, the freecam looked kind of bad, but it's manageable

not really sure what you were going for but that's what i noticed at least