Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[event] write me a story please

this event is brought to you by
inoobbruh, "blacker better than you"

The rules of this event are to :
write a story
make it funny
obscene (risk factor)
infractions = higher score
try to make sense
must include thiggist
being mean to tomwanks is preferred (pizza stealer)
you are able to post more than one story

judges :
(pm to be a judge, we decided if you can be one)

prizes :
1st - 25k
2nd - 15k
3rd - 5k
last - insults
best participants will receive a drawing

end date :
2 weeks from today

example of prev winner, volare's story

Last edited by hobo; Apr 14, 2014 at 06:45 AM.
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Originally Posted by TomWanks View Post
Up in the clouds of Diablo 3 and the crushed dreams of jesus christ, there lay a man with eternal power, his name is Thiggist.

Thiggist is the 420 god, a being which has the power of infinite 360 nosk0pes and eternal blazing of the it. His power comes from a magic relic known as the Ultimate pizza, which Thiggist eats to keep his powers.

One day, a cruel and ignorant faggot known as TomWanks decides that Thiggist isn't as cool as he is. Tom's fucking genius plan is to steal the Ultimate pizza and eat it to gain the powers of 420.

During the middle of a hardcore Diablo 3 session, Thiggist is distracted and entertained, and TomWanks manages to steal the Ultimate pizza. Thiggist tries to warn the ignorant cunt of his dipshit deeds, but it was too late, as Tom devours the pizza and dies from an overload of power.

Thiggist is sapped of his power, and trips onto a pizza crumb before losing all that he had. Thiggist is a mortal now, but he has god powers in the one place the crumb touched... which was his dick.

Thiggist has a plan to regain his godlyness, and to do that he must gain favor of the gods. Thiggist must slay all the most foul creatures with his heavenly chode in order to gain power of the 420 again and become 420 god.

Through pains and great 'hard'ships, Thiggist manages to pump and thrust through every challenge, and even destroying the massive cunt faced atrocity known as Nearly. Thiggist has completed all but one task, the slaying of a god.

Thiggist tears through time and space like a superior and magestic being, and finds jesus christ masturbating to tellitubies on his bed. Thiggist musters his strength, and leaps towards the face of christ itself with a stiffy as hard as lead.

Thiggist penetrates the hard skull of christ, and with every semen and blood stained thrust, he can feel his power return to him as a whole. Eventually after 24 hours of mad skull fucking, Thiggist ejaculates blunts, a sign that he has become the 420 god again.

Thiggist goes back to his realm, and in great happiness and joy he decides to revive the cunt fuck tomwanks as a sign of peace and change. Thiggist regains his fucking sense and says "fuck you tomwanks you pizza stealer" and viciously murders tomwanks a second time by shoving a cactus up his urethra.

The End.

Tom your story has potential this round, hope to see more of you this season!

fucking pizza stealer
Idk Which Entry

"Hobo-san Spending his sunday at the beach with his niggas, Internet, Thiggist, Nearly, Aracoon and the one everybody hated but still was invite, TomWanks" The narrator says in a very deep black voice. "Hobo-san" Screams Thiggist from across the beach. "Wheres the bathroom" Thiggist screams again. Hobo screams back "It's behind that rock"
Thiggist can only make out the words "It's in party my anus" Thiggist then releases the rapist (Rape-ist) within and chases after Hobo.
Hobo runs to the girls bathroom seing as he thought Thiggist was homosexual but that didn't stop his furious HoboSexuality.
Hobo saw Thiggist still running after him so he paniced and hid in a stall.
Thiggist runs in and kicks down the door to the first stall.
"Damn nothing" Thiggist says in a DEMONIC voice.
Thiggist kicks down the second stall and sees TomWanks sitting on the toilet with his hand into what looks to be his vagina.
"You're a girl?" Thiggist says in disgust. "SHIT SHIT SHIT THEM NIGGAS FOUND OUT"
Screams TomWanks.
Thiggist thinks in his mind "Close Enough"
Thiggist hits Tom in the arm and Tom starts to feel sleepy. Tom checks his arm and sees some sort of needle. Tom starts to black out but hears Thiggist kick down one more stall.
Tom wakes up to see he is on the top of the Empire State buidling.
Thiggist sees Tom is awake and says in a horny voice. "You're anus is mine, but first...." Thiggist pulls a tarp off of what Tom thought was the exit.
Tom sees all of his "Friends", Internet, Nearly and Aracoon Chained up and covered in semen except for Hobo. Tom asks himself in a paniced voice "Why isnt Hobo-San covered in semen?"
Thiggist says in a DEMONICLY horny voice "It's time"
Thiggist starts chanting to Hobo-san's anus
"Chi Cho Ching Chang Chong Cho Goku Is Op SuperMan Likes Robin's Anus Nigga's like Fried Chicken" With 3 seconds inbetween each word.
Dozens of huge tentacles erupt from Hobo-sans anus and start fucking eveyone including Thiggist.
But Tom, poor Tom, Got it the hardest.
Tom Got two tentacles in his mouth so far down it was touching the five tentacles in his anus!
He also had 69 tentacles rushing to get into his vagina.
The tentacles started raising him in the air!
This continuied till night.
Everyone was dead from drowning in semen execpt for Tom and Thiggist Who didn't have spec of semen on them.
The tentacles start moving faster and faster in Tom, He knew they were about to cum.
The tentacles came for the first time and covered him in glow in the dark semen?
"Now" Thiggist Commanded. The tentacles started to move Tom Close to the edge.
Tom Paniced and started moving around.
The Tentacles holding him sliped and he fell.
The edges of the buidling cut the tentacles that were in him.
Tom Plumits to the ground. He sees a chance to survive, a flag pole.
He tries to move to it but one of the tentacles hit the wall and spin him.
Tom's anus gets penetrated by the pole and the pole snaps. Tom contiues to plumit to the earth.
Tom hits the floor "SPLAT" Semen guts and dead fetis goes everywhere. Now Tom's brain was very very strong so it didn't splat along with his eyes and he didnt even belive what he saw.
All of the people who died on the roof becuase of Thiggist where alive. All of the people who saw Tom go splat were screaming, some becuase there white shirts were red and some becuase there red shirts were stained white. But he noticed out of the corner of his barely working eyes, Thiggist Smiling DEMONICLY...... "The End" Says the deep black voice.... The camera zooms out to reveal Thiggist. Thiggst then asks the little boys in the church he is a paster at "Do you boys know what time it is?"
The boys say nothing as there faces turn pale from seeing............

Thank you for reading this but i put alot of my own time into it and i also added a little make your own ending :3 so if you record you trying to read this make your own
Anyway i hope i win but you'know "Tom got it the hardest, poor Tom"=Famous Last Words
Hobo was on the street , as usual , having sex with a crackhead, when Tomwanks walked by swinging his (to a crackhead) seemingly huge dick around.
The crackhead foamed at the mouth and latched onto tomwanks chode like JsnuffMARS onto a green hat and rapidly started sucking it..

when suddenly "thiggist?" said tomwanks , the crackhead was infact thiggist , tomwank's brother...

6 hrs later...



Tomwanks Was in the hospital nursing his lumpy dick , cause he had infact got aids from thiggist.

So the moral of the story is , never have sex , just smoke crack
Dubsteppin' Up my game!
I am Soulzzz, Proud member of Origin
keep up the entries everyone
remember you can post as many as you like
(pictures are welcome)
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
yes, duh
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
tomwanks had a plan of stealing 2 pizzas from dominos gold vault.

not any 2 pizzas he was aiming for teh epik super secret mayo sause pizza topped with extra cheese and candy flavoured toilet paper rollls.

"dat shyt is teh shyt" he used to say.

Today was the day, his day....or so he thought...

"mom i go steel pizza if police cm say idk anyting, k?" said tom to mom.

as he gets out, he stops a taxi and tries to hijack it.

"teh this is hijacking stfu n do wot i tell."

turns out the taxi driver is batman and he anal fucks tomwanks juicy ass 2 times repeatedly saying " yes i lyk it"

"ok not a good start but i've got this. no moar risk i go on foot best idea yolo" says tom to himself.

he reaches teh dominos and approaches the counter.

"hw mey i help u fgt" says hobo who works at dominos bcoz he was expelled from college for writing a cringe-worthy letter to the dean describing his wild sexual fantasies and his coconut crab fetish.

"this is a robbery i am armed and cn kill if need be. i want in teh vault now. act stupid nd i keel u bang bang mothafuka bt wyth a nife ok?" says tomwanks in a really aggresive tone.

"i deel with fgt lyk u on daily basis assfag cunt pussy yolo" with this hobo takes out a pube of miley cyrus and shoves it up tom's nose.

"FAKIN SMELL KILL ME MAN I LEEV U WIN I GO PLS LEEV 420 blaze it" says tom almost crying.

tom is kicked out of teh store.

"ok plan b i go frm back door kill everyone steel pizza bang!!!"

..and so he does...

as soon as he reaches the vault thiggist arrives "WTF U THINK U DOIN NI*GA GEY FAG BUTT HOLE DIPSHIT"

"shh i take 2 pizza i give u 1 n take 1 ok fair enuf bst deal 420 blaze all day every day yolo fag"

"hw bout no" with this thiggist grabs him by his pants and pokes his fingers in tom's anus. Tomwanks' right half gets paralysed on the spot whereas the left half attains zen for reasons unknown.

"oshit he paralysed i must go police beet me i ded m8 fkin fag"

tom lies there motionless. hobo finds him "TEH FAKIN CREEPY FGT COME HERE TO STEAL I CALL POLICE M8"


Lying on a wheel chair, he still curses his fate "i think something alse god do smthng alse y men i feel lyk cry"

his day never came.

NO. 1 New Twerk Times Bestseller

Originally Posted by new twerk times
Very emotional. i almost cried. the plot was original. awesome

Originally Posted by the wall strip journal
Love it awesome story. i can relate to the main character. don't judge me pls

Originally Posted by miley cyrus
where did ye get ma pube from m8

Originally Posted by batman
yes i lyk it

Originally Posted by superman
fap all day everyday till 420 day lol

something made a couple of minutes ago
Last edited by HolyButler; Apr 17, 2014 at 04:35 AM.
Buying/Selling heads by great artists? Shoot me a PM
i like the quoting even tho that has nothing to do with the story
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again