Originally Posted by Jebus View Post
Face? No comprende.

he's was one of those that competed with hanz0, nightmare and I in the market, way back.

Originally Posted by Jebus View Post
I like rougher lines too. Trying to find a way to mush it all together. Do you prefer the style of Bean?

i like the shading style of bean, maybe a bit TOO sketchy, looks like fure more than skin, but the mapping and everything seems a bit... pointy, i know it was intentional, but personal preference.
i find that just keeping the outlines and doing the black shading parts all rough, with the rest your usual smooth style, well, maybe not AS smooth, works better, otherwise its a bit much of a sketchy overload

Originally Posted by Jebus View Post
I quite liked your pudge btw. I got a lot of the ideas for this style from stalking your stuff.

-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
he's was one of those that competed with hanz0, nightmare and I in the market, way back.

i like the shading style of bean, maybe a bit TOO sketchy, looks like fure more than skin, but the mapping and everything seems a bit... pointy, i know it was intentional, but personal preference.
i find that just keeping the outlines and doing the black shading parts all rough, with the rest your usual smooth style, well, maybe not AS smooth, works better, otherwise its a bit much of a sketchy overload

Ah, comprende now. Too bad I wasn't around for them oldest of days. Even though my art was terribad back then and you guys would've made oodles of fun of me.
I'll keep those tips in mind when I get crackin on these heads again. Thank ya.

Anyways, about the avatar. Very aware that DrHax has no feet, his pants are far too baggy and bellbottom-y to see them.
I know that the stiff look and harsh edges wouldn't look nice for a big picture but imagine that as an avatar (like 6x3 pixels) you'll barely be able to tell what the whole thing is supposed to be.

Oh, my apologies.. I appear to have creamed all over your thread.
I love your work! Colours, concept, mapping, finishing.. perfect.
"Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork."