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Dueling Forum/SubForum
A Dueling board where duelers can make threads / posts offering duel stakes. This could help out with documentation in scams as a lot of the deal making for the duel will be done over the forums, instead of in-game where screenshots always manage to elude us. In the stickied threads part of this forum, there could be a well maintained list of "Trusted Duelers" contained of player name's who don't scam as well as their preferred dueling range, mods, & GMT. In this thread, it can additionally be added of Un-Trusted Duelers. AKA the black list. Im sure other threads from other boards can be merged to this one about "How to prevent getting scammed" etc.

Threads in this board could account for:

[DS] Tag : "Duel Searching" Implying your title states what item you are attempting to duel for, in the body of your initial post you will specify what you are willing to put up to duel for it. I.E. 350k, or full alpha imp + full void, etc.

[DO] Tag: "Duel Offering" This title stats what you HAVE, and you may post interests of what you want to duel for in the body of your initial post. People can post counters of what they want to duel for etc.

[D?] Tag: (In-case Im missing something, just suggest it)


[DS] Full 512x512 Textures

Im looking to duel anyone with Full 512x Textures:
On my account I have Full Void, Full Alpha, Full 128x, Icecream, and 400k. Im willing to put up a max item value of 300k, counters accepted.

[DO] Full Void

I have Full Void, Im looking to duel for around 200k for it. Counters?

Anyways, just a suggestion... thought it would be fun
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

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Originally Posted by mwah View Post
Good suggestion, would indeed help the dueling community out as well as make it much easier to prevent and find scams. I don't think any sort of duel "offering" tags/threads would be needed. I don't think any tags would be needed at all actually, simple thread titles would be fine since duelers just posting lowball counters to offers would need constant moderation. Just a subforum to look and set up duels would be fine, with solid rules in place and as you suggested, a trusted and untrusted duelers list would be very nice to have. This list would have to be constantly updated by moderators of the board with alts of these untrusted duelers as well, which would be difficult to do (but not impossible).

I'm all for it and I wonder why this wasn't suggested sooner. Much easier than having to set up a duel server in game and have a bright red/pink desc in order to get people to come. Or begging for duels in bet servers or something like that, much neater way of finding duels I think. It would also make dueling more accessible.

As for dueling servers (which was mention by someone else, but I'll touch on it), I think adding two constant servers of 5k tc in boxshu mushu and abd would be a good start; since like it or not, those are the main mods being dueled in nowadays. With any success I think there would be inclination to set up at the most 2 others in more difficult mods with a higher stake (10k lenshu for example).

I Totally agree with you , but id like to see tags for those duel threads, would make the threads more specific .

EX(no tags): Dueling full hunter , ok now the people enter for ask about the duel and have the chance of win an full hunter , but , this guys is searching for someone to duel a full hunter vs his void force , instead of he dueling full hunter for anything of that price.

EX(Tags) [DS] < duel searching as DropKick say: [DS]Full Hunter , now we know he want to duel his/she items for try to win a Full Hunter.

and the duel servers thing idea is actually pretty good in my opinion.
Last edited by Jenson; Mar 9, 2015 at 03:23 PM.
I think this is a great idea, cause player's goal when they are in-game is most likely to be playing with friends or tourneys !
Want to join Lotus? PM me!


Make a duel organization and try to get it official.
If there already is a duel organization thats official, ask an admin to make one of you guys a moderator of that org.

i am a bird now - Lil B

I'm kind of on a quest to make this stuff happen, check out my thread:
I love duels and hope to grow our dueling community