As changes are made anyway, what i really would like would be a button that gets you to the oldest post of a thread that werent there the last time you read that thread, this is common in several forums a good feature as ib think.

edit: Dang and i allways searched through sites and sites? I hate myself
Last edited by DarkVadder; Sep 9, 2008 at 03:47 PM.
<Balrog> Sorry

On-links are bad
OLDA are good
Originally Posted by DarkVadder View Post
As changes are made anyway, what i really would like would be a button that gets you to the oldest post of a thread that werent there the last time you read that thread, this is common in several forums a good feature as ib think.

It's already there. Click the small tick left of the title name when browsing.
i think that there should be a 3 strikes and your out thing where you get 3 warnings and then your banned [not permanently] in the wibblesish thing.
I think that they admins/mods know what they are doing and don't really need your ideas on how to carry out punishment ;)

I have been waiting for this to happen for a while, glad to see it finally did.


Originally Posted by Ishi View Post
I think that they admins/mods know what they are doing and don't really need your ideas on how to carry out punishment ;)

I have been waiting for this to happen for a while, glad to see it finally did.

What he said.

Yes, we still want your opinion on other things, but not on the punishment issues. We know what's wrong and what's not, and the system is pretty much planned out.
This is fucking awesome! No more "Metalica LOLCatss" or "post ur fav movy"
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Cleaning all the shit threads out was a good idea. People started to take the absence of Wibbles too far- (eg. kikkwia or whatever the name was telling us to hunt emos and furries in several threads that kept getting closed) so a MODERATED Wibbles would be good, yes. This is a serious discussion forum, not "LOL NUBS THROW SHIT THREADS CUZ NO WIBBLES N NO RULES LOL".
User was infracted for this post. (Useless post)
and now? why is all back? hm, ill wait for tomorow and see how this ends, before i think about wether i like it or not
<Balrog> Sorry

On-links are bad
OLDA are good