You are in Moneshot
Is the answer Life? A fulfilling life is lighter (as in more fun and happier), but a Empty boring life is heavier (Boring and lazy)?
What is the coldest word of all?

Impossible Riddle

Last edited by Squigling; Mar 1, 2015 at 12:43 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
ShhhMikes Moderated Message:
I need big juicy celery sticks ;3
(A Riddle of your choice)
if you are the last person on the earth, and you're sitting on the sofa alone, then suddenly you hear something strange. who's that?

(Your own answer)..

(Why you want to join)
Because i love answering creepypasta's riddle, (even i always answer it wrong ). Also i want to increase my IQ rate

(How active you are on the forums out of 10 & posts)
6,5/10 Activity.
Thank you,
Best regards

You are in watermagic. Also on the IQ subject I have 156. Therefore I am a certified genius :3
ShhhMikes Moderated Message:
I need big juicy celery sticks ;3
Riddle Lvl: Medium


Thank you,
Best regards

You are currently in the mine area, and you found a gold ore!,
then you immediately destroying that ore with a pickaxe that you brought from home, and your pickaxe destroyed.
after it's happened, you hear something strange.
Why does the pickaxe destroyed?

I'm confused. Is it meant to be grammatically wrong? If not I made a correct version :

Correct Version?

I actually have no idea what the answer is. I'm genuinely stumped. :3 I hope the answer is good.
Originally Posted by AlphanowGD View Post

want to see my answer ?

You clearly are very witty and intelligent. Would you like to

Last edited by Squigling; Mar 1, 2015 at 05:30 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
ShhhMikes Moderated Message:
I need big juicy celery sticks ;3
sorry for the grammar
i'll give you the answer tomorrow. about minecraft btw
Last edited by watermagic; Mar 1, 2015 at 05:39 PM.
Thank you,
Best regards

What is so fragile that if you say it, you break it?
Riddle Difficulty=EASY
Frogs never die.
No more people in my sig.
Originally Posted by watermagic View Post
sorry for the grammar
i'll give you the answer tomorrow. about minecraft btw

I knew it! But I thought I would sound silly saying the durability on the pick wore off, and the breaking pick noise was the strange sound.

The answer is Silence moneshot
ShhhMikes Moderated Message:
I need big juicy celery sticks ;3