Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Newb's Pasta Sauce he Made Last Night

(3) Boneless chicken Breasts
(1) Bratwurst (Beer brat preferred)
(4) Cloves garlic, minced
(4 TB) Onion, minced
(3 TB) Butter
(1/4c) Sherry
(1/3c) Brandy
(2T) Black Pepper
(2T) Salt
(16oz) Tomato sauce
(3T) Basil
(1T) Oregano
(1/2T) Thyme
(1t) Rosemary, crushed
(1/2c) Water
(2t) Crushed red pepper

Rub chicken with basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary, pepper, and half of the salt.
Preheat saucepan to medium heat, melting butter in it while heating up. Throw in the garlic and onion, and stir constantly while browning. When it starts to brown, throw in all the meat. Cook all sides of the chicken and bratwurst until the outside is cooked. Pour in the sherry and the water, cover, and turn to medium-low and let sit for 20 minutes, turning a few times during this. After the :20, uncover and turn heat back up to medium and pull out the meat.
Let the liquid in the pan thicken while you slice the meat into 1/3 inch thick slices. Throw the meat back in the pan and stir for a minute, letting it finish cooking if needed.
Pour in the tomato sauce and everything else in the list. Let it cook on low for 20 minutes, stirring every so often. Stir in crushed red pepper, and salt and pepper to taste. Serve on top of your pasta of choice.
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Chille Con Carne

  • 250g beef mince
  • half a small onion
  • a beef stock cube
  • 2/3 a can of chopped tomatoes
  • 1/2 a can of kidney beans
  • hot chille powder
  • paprika
  • cumin or cayenne
  • Worcester sauce
  • Vegetable oil
  • Basmati (or better) rice
  • Salt (optional)
  • A good medium-dark ale (e.g Newcastle Brown or Adnams Broadside)

How to set the kitchen on fire:
Oil a [frying] pan and bring to a medium heat.
Chop up the onion into medium-sized chunks.
(optional) Add some chille powder to the pan.
Add the onion to the pan, and soften them (not to the point of browning).
Add the mince, and mix everything together until the mince is brown.
(optional, not what i do ;]) drain some of the fat off the mince.
Add the stock cube.
Add chille powder (to taste), paprika (about half the amount of chille powder) and cumin/cayenne (about half the amount of paprika).
Stir it all in.
Add the tomatoes, kidney beans and a splash of Worcester sauce.
Stir it all in and leave it to simmer.

Add the rice (the amount you want - i have a lot) to a cold pan.
Add twice the amount of rice of cold water to the pan.
Add salt (to taste).
Put a lid on the pan, leaving an air gap.
Bring to a boil.
Simmer until the water is gone (use a fork to look if it is gone - this should take about 10 minutes - you could install linux or something at this point).

Open the beer
Grab some eating sticks and dig in
Last edited by SlainVeteran; Sep 21, 2008 at 01:51 AM.
I has a flavour
Chicken Marsala

That's marsala, not massala.

Howdy guys,
The recipe is simple, you just need a little judgement on the butter and
how much to cook it. Unfortunately you have to buy a bottle of sherry
or a bottle of marsala wine. But there's some nice marsalas out there
and sherry never goes amiss at Christmas!

4 chicken breasts,
1 onion, sliced,
8 oz. salted butter,
Marsala wine or sweet cream sherry,
salt + pepper on chicken breast (plenty of pepper is usually good).

Brown the chicken breasts in about half of the butter (add more if required).
If possible try and brown the butter a little aswell, gives a nice taste.
Take out the chicken and put the rest of the butter in, give it a
little time to brown and then add the onions in for a few minutes,
until they start to go soft.
Then put the chicken breast back in and add 8 oz. sweet cream sherry
or marsala wine.
If it's looking a bit thick add a little bit of water, simmer for a while.
Serve with either rice or potatos, with some veg. I suggest slightly
burnt green beans with carrots. Asparagus is also a nice one.

Freezing/refrigerating the chicken + sauce is fine, just oven it up
afterwards. It can even make it taste better as the sauce gets right
into the chicken


Hmmm, this is great im going to make a cooking competition.. check events in a few hours

My Recipie:
(Better like spicy food)

So first you would want to get some thin strips of meat, something you would find in a fajita

Then Marinade that in some good marinade, and some hot sauce.

Get a Cucumber and cut a really long thin strip and make a hollow circle out of it.

Cook the meat in a limey spicy "juice" along with the marinade.

Pour the juice over the cucumber, then put the meat in the cucumber and viola, spicy meat 'n a cuce
the god
Culapou, you are not very specific...

Tell us more about the marinade and the hot sauce.

Do we grill the meat, fry it, bake it, or whatever?
Jam on Toast

1. get 1-4 pieces of bread, insert into toaster.
2. Turn toaster on.
3. Get jam out of fridge. (known as "jelly" in some places.)
4. Open jam lid.
5. When toast pops up, grab it and put it onto a plate.
6. Spread jam onto toast with a butter knife. (or similar)
7. Enjoy!