Joints are not needed but you can if you want
I do need joints but ppl seem to b alittle hard to deal with or even find when joints are involved.
I've even asked artist to only do both wrist elbows ankles and knees only and they still wouldnt
Last edited by Applejack; Jun 29, 2015 at 06:41 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
<3Kaito = Best Minimalist sets<3
My failure of an attempt reminded me why I stopped doing textures. PMing you some art that I did though. I'm out as far as the set, sorry
We need to strengthen our roots and bloom the inner flowers that represent our minds. We are not beasts. Not savages, but men.- PeaceKeeper62
Lol its fiiine at least you did something. I haven't gotten a thing from anyone but you.
So its better than nothing thanks a bunch!
<3Kaito = Best Minimalist sets<3