nice a clan war...
Altho Ive neva seen or heard of anybody from Hellrazor...and Parrot have like 3 people in it *lol* but Phantom I know is a worthy foe.
And the allies well...we did have some problems with them before*and obviusly there are some personal conflicts envolved* and TTF just has like 100 people in it so its hard to get to know them lol
Elite will get back to you. As for my personal opinion on it, you picked a fight with 3 clans just for the hell of it and I'm not sure I want to drag my members into that. But I will talk to them and see what they want.

And bakuto, yes you guys did try to pick a fight with us before, but we have since resolved our differences.
Talked to about half the clan, and everyone i talked to said absolutely not to helping you in your war. with that many rejections im saying no. They don't want to bail you out just because you decided to pick a fight with 3 clans. Sorry. Hope this doesn't hurt our alliance.
Doesn't matter much to me, we have a kickass team assembled already I think.
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol
you said in the first post that we might be helping you, I just wanted to let you know that we wouldn't be. We just don't want to be mixed up in a clan war with 3 clans...
I have heard that we wont the clan war and so ***Woohhoo*** if thats true.
And Im also sory that i missed it...I didnt play for like a day or two so i had no way of knowing.
My computer crashed right when it started and wouldn't work for about an hour, and by the time I was able to get on, the war was over.
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol