Originally Posted by Gynx View Post
Seems as though we agree on something, huh? ;) I agree with this though discussions in the Council were met with plenty of disagreements. Some people consider those mods less skill based, thus less competitive as a result. I'm not sure I agree.

Well it is true that objectively looking ABD might be the most competitive mod. But being the most competitive in the end in meaningless. For example in LoL, having one champion and one lane, playing 1v1 is more competitive in a sense than 5v5 with 120 champions since that brings inherit unbalances to the game. But would LoL be a better game if there was only one champion and one lane where everything would be down to pure mechanics? totally not.

Same goes for this game. As in LoL, where different champions fit different players, same goes for mods in this game. The variety of mods brings most variety of players to the competitive scene, if you limit the mods radically for competition, you are going to lose the people who are actually really good and dedicated to other mods. For example if there is no erthtk or tk in the modlist, I think I might skip on on the whole thing. Same goes for lenshu for some etc.

If you only bring one or two mods to the rankings, then its just who is the best best ABD clan. And tbh, I dont think thats worth much in the grandiose scale.
Last edited by cowmeat; Jul 20, 2015 at 01:05 PM.
How can Judo - Based mods be competitive? It's mostly about luck,once you get hit on a certain part of you're body you're unable to use it and that means you don't have control over your body any further. A competitive mod should guarantee the control at least on 70% of your body. Once you get hit in Judo starts the countdown to the DQ,where is skills playing just the first 50 frames and than landing and waiting the part you've dmd to DQ huh? The opener decides the 80% of the match in those mods and there is nothing to do.

So i'd say Judo isn't really a competitive mod.
Originally Posted by Hisoka View Post
How can Judo - Based mods be competitive? It's mostly about luck,once you get hit on a certain part of you're body you're unable to use it and that means you don't have control over your body any further. A competitive mod should guarantee the control at least on 70% of your body. Once you get hit in Judo starts the countdown to the DQ,where is skills playing just the first 50 frames and than landing and waiting the part you've dmd to DQ huh? The opener decides the 80% of the match in those mods and there is nothing to do.

So i'd say Judo isn't really a competitive mod.

Well, when playing Drhax in judo I lose 8/10 of the games. As I said in my early post, between average players judo can be a noodlefest but between better players judo is actually a decent competitive mod. There just arent too many competitive judo players atm.

"opener decides the 80% of the match in those mods and there is nothing to do. "

There you are just plainly wrong.
Last edited by cowmeat; Jul 20, 2015 at 01:10 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I pretty much only play tk, so I can't give much input on the other mods and I don't have a good grasp of how they work in competitive settings.

However, erthtkv2 is pretty much the competitive version of tk and does exactly what it should do: make good players win over less good players most of the time. The combat in it is just plain better because of how less random it is and the added turnframes allow both comebacks and insane streaks.

EDIT: I also have a bit of experience with judo and judofrac in competitive settings. Those 2 mods are a no-no. They just aren't competitive enough and have a bit of a random element to them, added to the fact that comebacks are near impossible versus a good player who gets the first blow. For example, you both use a different openener and someone gets a DM off of it immediatly and can then proceed to DM you turn after turn while you can do pretty much noting but stay idle and hope that you don't get DM'ed this turn.
Last edited by Liquidoom; Jul 20, 2015 at 01:17 PM.
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There's also ljf, which I haven't had any experience with. If more people would develop the mod to reduce randomness and make the game less opener-heavy (opener-heavy mods lead to randomness) the mod could be a lot more interesting. I made an attempt to make a wrestling variation (heavy custom tf, easy frac, long dqt and only certain parts dq).

Another way to ensure variation would be to alter win conditions. Health bars or score caps aren't in the game yet. Score system was never really used (people hardly even knew about it). Soft bodyparts (parts that don't do damage) were never introduced...
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
aikido is essential imo, fun mod that punishes your mistakes quite severely

judofrac is probably one of the most fun mods too, plus it calls for a good grip on managing fractured joints, something that does not exist in a lot of mods. While most judofrac games in a public server end as a noodlefest, a good player is able to prevent most of said fractures. If you watch most of the judofrac matches (with people who know how to play the mod atleast) most of them do not end up with many fractures. Saying that judofrac is not a competitive mod because you kicked the other guy and your leg broke is not legitimate, you can't expect a rush kick approach to work most of the times in a mod where the tori is made out of toothpicks.

lenshu3ng is very reliable. I'm sure almost everyone agrees.

Although I prefer regular tk over erthtkv2, the latter is a bit more balanced than the first. Regular tk is pretty bombastic (which is why I think it's fun), while erthtkv2 seems to be a bit more technical, as now we need to throw the opponent's bodypart out of the ring to dq it and we need to us hold more to avoid hitting ourselves because of self damage, forcing us to be a bit more "careful". I don't mention the dmthreshold because honestly it makes almost no difference at all from my experience.

swfixed is the mod for the people complaining about tripods and point holding. If you want real throws with no emphasis on points, try this mod. You can only damage yourself so there is an extra layer of control that you are required to have in order to not put yourself at a disadvantage.

I'm honestly not familiar with mushu enough to have an opinion on it
oh yeah
Originally Posted by Hisoka View Post
How can Judo - Based mods be competitive? It's mostly about luck,once you get hit on a certain part of you're body you're unable to use it and that means you don't have control over your body any further. A competitive mod should guarantee the control at least on 70% of your body. Once you get hit in Judo starts the countdown to the DQ,where is skills playing just the first 50 frames and than landing and waiting the part you've dmd to DQ huh? The opener decides the 80% of the match in those mods and there is nothing to do.

So i'd say Judo isn't really a competitive mod.

is this how you play?
I toribash, you can't have your full body with you all the time and something must dm so you should know how to counter after that and that's the fun
no one just waits to get dqed
infact in judo if you do a simple noob clap with some minor tweaks you can easily counter those blazing fast openers and then its upto you how you gonna win
judofrac is another great mod which trains you on how you gonna manage and win with those fractured joints which i don't think any other mod does
similarly, all other mods have something good of their own like in greykido when you are out of ring you try to land on grey plates and similarly those high dm wushu mods like brushu shows you how to use your knees and wrists for a comeback and how to block attacks in big turnframes like 50!
the perfect mod list for clanwars should include all these mods not just abd


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Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
Well, when playing Drhax in judo I lose 8/10 of the games. As I said in my early post, between average players judo can be a noodlefest but between better players judo is actually a decent competitive mod. There just arent too many competitive judo players atm.

"opener decides the 80% of the match in those mods and there is nothing to do. "

There you are just plainly wrong.

Let's state the facts about judo here before anything:

-toris are close to each other
-tf is 70
-openers do decide a lot of the outcome. do you want a COMPETITIVE mod which is decided in one turn?
-openers are most of the time random
- let's say an opener gives one an advantage in a high percentage of games, do you want a COMPETITIVE mod to be one where who has the best opener wins

Those are my arguments. Simply it can't be considered a competitive mod if we won't to move on in TB.

What I picked was:

Kicking mods:

both are VERY competitive, there's not much difference between the two..only a matter of taste. the TK community would know better, if one of those is better than the other then convince me, and i would change my vote

Striking mods:
very competitive: lenshu3ng/rk-mma
competitive vers of ninjutsu: stabjutsu_original

i left out wushu3, but wushu has to be in there, imo it's not competitive at the moment, you should include WUSHU_2015: since it has a dojo, and a better pointing system, chose wushu3box for now

(it will become more competitive if the health bar thing get incorporated as well.)

one small note with respect to striking mods, the POINTING SYSTEM is a little bit flawed, the mods lenshu3ng/rk-mma are one of the closest you will get to a competitive if the pointing system can improved by god team or whatever, that would be great. Still they're pretty good.

Grappling mods:
greykido/aikido: yep been there for a while, most competitive grappling mods. would prefer only aikido.

Aikidobigdojo: it's not a grappling mod as someone else mentioned. everyone plays as a sort of damage with grappling. so yeah must be included.

great job guys, this will be a fun discussion ;)
Your messed up world enthrills me
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
I have a pretty up-to-date mod list.
The problem I see here is the categorisation. You're mixing aikido with other "grappling mods" and I don't think that's fair. Abd for example, has evolved into an MMA-styled mod, with focus on damage rather than wrestling. It should be paired with other damage heavy mods instead. Runkido (3) or monkido (leushu.tbm ish mod), perhaps.
The mods more focused on wrestling should have their own list. Swfixed and aikido7, for example.

The rest I'm mostly in agreement with. But you shouldn't force people into mods they're not interested in. Of course, variety is a good thing. Too bad people are more interested in parkour mods than competitive mods (may have something to do with the mod rules). We should have a broader scene of similar mods.

Also, it might be helpful to establish what the varieties do different from the "main" mod, instead of just listing fun and competitive mods.

We're not too worried about the categorisation of the mod-list. For one, like you said, it's mostly accurate with maybe the exception of ABD. Secondly, it's about what is best for the competitive scene, not what is best in terms of defining the mod's play style. We just wanted a variety of mods that focused on different fighting styles and encouraged skill-based competition. Wrestling and grappling are somewhat interchangeable and for the sake of not splitting hairs we're happy with how the list is for now.

As for the rest, it's important to exclude mods from the official mod-list for balance reasons alone. Having rewards for being the most skilled means nothing if clans can run wtfmp.tbm and grind out first place. There are some mods that literally have no skill requirement to win in and having a standardised mod-list which everyone has to play on makes ground for fair play. That does not mean the mod-list has to be small, though.

Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
The variety of mods brings most variety of players to the competitive scene, if you limit the mods radically for competition, you are going to lose the people who are actually really good and dedicated to other mods. For example if there is no erthtk or tk in the modlist, I think I might skip on on the whole thing. Same goes for lenshu for some etc.

If you only bring one or two mods to the rankings, then its just who is the best best ABD clan. And tbh, I dont think thats worth much in the grandiose scale.

I agree.

Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
Another way to ensure variation would be to alter win conditions. Health bars or score caps aren't in the game yet. Score system was never really used (people hardly even knew about it). Soft bodyparts (parts that don't do damage) were never introduced...

We have no authority on that kind of dev work. We have to work with what we have for now.


Some good discussion here about judo and competitive Toribash as a whole. I'm interested to see any developments of opinion. I find myself of similar opinion to Chintu, though I'm open to any counter arguments.
collect snots from the nose
Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
"Mods that should be on the list & why."

Boxshu_mushu: Balanced mod with high skillcap, hard to abuse. imho one of the most viable long tf mods (wushu players dont jump on this right away)
no please no. if we're going for competitive wushu mods here either wushu3box or wushu_2015. there is no place for a mod like wushu in the competitive scene: i will argue: less dm threshold, more dependence on openers, more randomness= less competitivness PLEASE PLEASE NO. if we want a mod for wushu that competitive(and i thin that it should be only one) shouldn't be mushu. also high skillcap, really??

Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
I have a pretty up-to-date mod list.
The problem I see here is the categorisation. You're mixing aikido with other "grappling mods" and I don't think that's fair. Abd for example, has evolved into an MMA-styled mod, with focus on damage rather than wrestling. It should be paired with other damage heavy mods instead. Runkido (3) or monkido (leushu.tbm ish mod), perhaps.
The mods more focused on wrestling should have their own list. Swfixed and aikido7, for example.+1000, AGREED

Originally Posted by Liquidoom View Post
I pretty much only play tk, so I can't give much input on the other mods and I don't have a good grasp of how they work in competitive settings.

However, erthtkv2 is pretty much the competitive version of tk and does exactly what it should do: make good players win over less good players most of the time. The combat in it is just plain better because of how less random it is and the added turnframes allow both comebacks and insane streaks.

though in erthtk you have no dq in dojo, i'd say they both have their difficulties and are both pretty damn competitive

Originally Posted by Gynx View Post

We have no authority on that kind of dev work. We have to work with what we have for now.

Can't you at least cooperate with the god team for a better pointing system for the striking mods?

but like lazors said: soft body parts, better pointing system, health bar would increase competitiveness a lot, but oh well

Originally Posted by Gynx View Post

Some good discussion here about judo and competitive Toribash as a whole. I'm interested to see any developments of opinion. I find myself of similar opinion to Chintu, though I'm open to any counter arguments.
if we want HIGH competitive mods, we simply can't include judo.
i stated the facts already.

the argument that it helps with controlling or whatever doesn't hold a candle for me: if you want to improve in that way, go play in a private server

wushu is a great mod to play carefully and try to take the least damage you can, and move with fracced joints, but do you see me suggesting it as a competitive mod? it's simply outdated, and includes a high factor of randomness.( nevermind the randomness tb brings with its bugs and just the type of game it is

anyway, the facts are there...

Last edited by William; Jul 20, 2015 at 04:27 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Your messed up world enthrills me