Original Post
ok we need people
hi im lloyd54321 and me and my friend are making a youtube series called
but we need people to be in it theres gonna be a good side and a bad side we need atleast 4 people on my friend keshoihuts side and we need one on my side im the bad guy hes the good guy if you want to be in my side send a replay to this thread my ill tell my friend that he will make a thread too and people who want to be on his side have to have the box items or he might give you one if you win a comation but im vary exited for this check out my channel which is and check out my friends channel keshoihut toribash cya
Last edited by lloyd54321; Jul 27, 2019 at 04:07 PM.
Here is for the parkour parts. (Different run styles)
Attached Files
PK 59.rpl (1.05 MB, 7 views)
'Haku is my lenshu senpai uwu' ~ Static
so im kinda confused with this... i wanna be on the bad side, just for you to know, i do parkour, spars and madmans(sometimes manipulations) ill put one of each section because i dont really know what replay do i need to have, so please tell me

P.S.-if you want more replays just tell me or pm me :P
Attached Files
#H SelfSpar.rpl (592.6 KB, 3 views)
#H It's just an Illusion.rpl (104.5 KB, 2 views)
sky_island.tbm (31.7 KB, 3 views)
I'll be on the bad side, But like the guy above said, i'm a bit confused. Make sure do /dl my tori c:
Attached Files
[Leanmarkie] [Discipline].rpl (146.0 KB, 4 views)
[Leanmarkie] [What am I].rpl (182.4 KB, 3 views)