Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Re: Different Opening Moves
Contract shoulder = raise
Extend = Lower

In older versions, it was contract and extend but it was changed recently.
Re: Different Opening Moves
Originally Posted by Dyer
Originally Posted by rock
I have one kinda like that but it kicks out a foot and throws a punch too.

It starts out:

Hold all
Contract left pecs
Rotate Chest right
Rotate Lumbar right
Extend both gluts

This pretty much hits one arm and sets up a nice kick to the other arm on the first round.

That kick may very well be the best opening move i have every seen. 90% of the time i will take their arm off. One guy blocked it with his foot but it took that clean off and still hit his arm off.

Same opinion here - it just disturbs me that very silly and easy counters exist. There's still got to be some better opening move, gotta find it though..
Re: Different Opening Moves
The guys at 4chan like to call this Mega Punch. If conditions are right, you can take their head clean off.

Hold all
Extend right pecs
Right rotate chest
Left bend lumbar
(Depending on the number of frames in a turn, you may need to wait two turns)
Contract left pecs
Contract right pecs
Left rotate chest
These are delicious links. You must click them.
Re: Different Opening Moves
Originally Posted by Shralla
The guys at 4chan like to call this Mega Punch. If conditions are right, you can take their head clean off.

Hold all
Extend right pecs
Right rotate chest
Left bend lumbar
(Depending on the number of frames in a turn, you may need to wait two turns)
Contract left pecs
Contract right pecs
Left rotate chest

Sounds like it will inflict MASSIVE DAMAGE.
Re: Different Opening Moves
Originally Posted by Ephphatha
That one is becoming very overused. Try this one.

Hold all. Contract knees and hips.
Press space
Extend knees.

Another one for the ten frame servers:

Hold all. Contract abs, neck, pecs, and shoulders
Press space.
Extend shoulders.

If you're playing on the judo server, you'll need an opening which will keep you out of trouble. One of my favourites is like so:

Hold all. Extend shoulders. Contract all others except for glutes, lumbar and chest.
Press space.
Contract shoulders. Extend all others except for the above.

How do you not DQ from doing the first one?
Re: Different Opening Moves
Originally Posted by ^a
Originally Posted by Shralla
The guys at 4chan like to call this Mega Punch. If conditions are right, you can take their head clean off.

Hold all
Extend right pecs
Right rotate chest
Left bend lumbar
(Depending on the number of frames in a turn, you may need to wait two turns)
Contract left pecs
Contract right pecs
Left rotate chest

Sounds like it will inflict MASSIVE DAMAGE.

Only if you flip them on their back first. =O

I actually modified it. Right bend the lumbar instead of left bend, and you can take their arm clean off.
These are delicious links. You must click them.
Re: Different Opening Moves
mine is conteact all move sholders foward grip hanhs contract knee yessss lift both knees and hips and kick desmembered!!!
Originally Posted by rock
I have one kinda like that but it kicks out a foot and throws a punch too.

It starts out:

Hold all
Contract left pecs
Rotate Chest right
Rotate Lumbar right
Extend both gluts

This pretty much hits one arm and sets up a nice kick to the other arm on the first round.

thats a good opening, but if you contract right pecs, then you fly up and get a right leg kick at the opponent's head
Fair point, but you really shouldn't bump threads more than a couple of months old.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
my favorite is this one:

hold all
extend both glutes
left rotate chest
left bend lumbar
contract left knee
contact left hip
extend left ankle
lower left shoulder
press space (10 frames)
extend left knee

lots of people already know this one, but i thought that id post it anyways
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