Thanks very much but as Fluxorious said, i keep checking and changing till i get the right one.
RedPanda, i haven't tried mudbox before but i don't know if it maps good or not because it seems you only draw on the body from outer surface, and the tori is not move-able so, the internal parts when it moves it will be empty, i don't know if that's true or not but i didn't try it.
Submerge, Yep, i am gonna sell it when it is finished, thanks for ur interest man
Huxer, yeah, i was planning on coming back to the head and torso to give more details tho
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well, using mudbox just for the mapping is good, then for the touching up and the hidden
parts you mentioned, you can just do that through the flat
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
yeah i understand, pirate.
but i have been making all sets in dis way, and i think using mudbox gonna be a bit annoying for meh :v
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Originally Posted by 00Assassin00 View Post
yeah i understand, pirate.
but i have been making all sets in dis way, and i think using mudbox gonna be a bit annoying for meh :v

no probs, i get it, using tools you're more comfortable with is better
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
exactly, tools that i am already good with using it, maybe i give it a try with mudbox later.
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Woah, probably one of the best minimalistic sets I have ever seen. Really nice and smooth. Might request a set from you even thought I am also an artists. Haha.
I am just an icon livin'
turtle it is not a weird thing my style is robotic/minimalistic, and too bad at realistic so, i may request from realistic artist ;)
glad to do a request for you, also, wait for the set to be finished, i see people really like it so, i will put more effort on it ;) more details gonna be added
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Nice work, man. I really like it I'll comment but I might repeat what has already been said.

You've used yellow, grey, and black for the general colour scheme. The amount of yellow on the chest area does not fit the design at all - it makes it look clunky and under-thought-out.

Be careful of too much mirroring re. your textures, as this will greatly depreciate the potential interest and value of your set, once finished. Your line work is very clean and you have demonstrated great potential for this set in terms of design.

If not for the rest of the set at least, re-think the layout of the set's features, as how it is displayed now, lacks depth in terms design and unique features. (Just because the textures are parallel does not mean they have to be identical and/or link in a 'circular' fashion (thigh/knee/shin > thigh/knee/shin).)

Go back to your design and have a think. Why is this line straight, while is this line is curved? How would this robot look if I pulled it from the computer and it stood in front of me - would any of this make sense? If there is a space to fill, great, there is a space to fill. How you go about doing so, and what you add to the space (or do not add), will prove to be one of the defining aspects of your texture set.

You are using repetition in the design of your set. There are arrows on the chest and ab region that differ greatly from those on the feet (curved vs straight edges). The yellow, grey and black shapes along the edging of the thigh and shin are too clumped - the designs on the outside of the thigh, knee, and shin have much better spacing (implement this).

There is a black arrow on the abs region - you can hardly see it.

The glute region is boring and the shapes are overused and do not make sense.
Originally Posted by 00Assassin00 View Post
turtle it is not a weird thing my style is robotic/minimalistic, and too bad at realistic so, i may request from realistic artist ;)
glad to do a request for you, also, wait for the set to be finished, i see people really like it so, i will put more effort on it ;) more details gonna be added

Haha, trade realism for simplism. ;)
I am just an icon livin'
Deuteria, you are right in every word, and it has not been said before but, i already understand/know what you are saying, but as u saw or didn't, i wasn't working hard on it to get the perfect set from all points you have mentioned, i was just having fun and that's what it turned into, i promise you when i finish the school, exams blabla, i will start a new one and work hard on it, but currently the time isn't mine :v
Thanks very much Deuteria, i appreciate it.
Turtle, nah for tcs i don't like realistic textures in tb
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