

I'm not sure what else to add there, especially for low 30k
As soon as the payment is done i will send it and it's yours.
Last edited by Nikos; May 1, 2016 at 12:53 PM.
Originally Posted by NikosDEAD View Post
I'm not sure what else to add there, especially for low 30k
As soon as the payment is done i will send it and it's yours.

Especially low what? Low quality?

Btw, here's my second WiP
Accepting art requests. yay
Originally Posted by MrPlesaure View Post
Especially low what? Low quality?

payment, i usually get paid much more for less work
nowdays its raining TC and as long someone doesn't throw atleast few 100k's there are no good artists
Originally Posted by MrPlesaure View Post
Especially low what? Low quality?

Btw, here's my second WiP

It looks amazing man (: , yeah not much more i could ask for you to add
Run it down mid
Originally Posted by Xiyun View Post
yeah not much more i could ask for you to add

Well then, im done.


let's be nice then and set the price on your requested 30k budget :P
Last edited by Nikos; May 2, 2016 at 12:33 AM.