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Trampoline Tricks/Ground Flips/Sports (Landed Double Front Flip)
Hi guys i just made a youtube channel for My Trampoline Tricks, i recently landed a double front flip
(yes two spins in the air)and other things like the 1080 corkskrew, Flip combo's and im learning
flips on the ground also
Its really amazing and it deserves your support, i upload consistently and it shows my progress as i get better.
Also if you subscribe to me, and you also have a youtube channel, i will subscribe back, just post here that you subscribed

Are you guys good at flips or parkour? if so, whats the craziest shit you have ever landed?
and if not, whats the craziest fail that you have had?

I have belly flopped the ground trying to backflip. it hella hurt, and i actually got it ON VIDEO
that video is also on the channel
Last edited by Tacticaled; Jun 5, 2016 at 06:52 AM.
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