Endurance Onslaught 6.0
yo, this is the first replay i've personally watched from you and i kind of feel like that's a sin because this was really nice

opener was pretty regular, frames 410 - 355 were really nice

first flip felt really stiff, you looked really really held in that flip, would have been cool to see something move in the flip
i know you wanted to keep form but it looks weird if you stay in the exact same position the whole way through
when you landed that flip it looked like you slowed down a lot, landing looked heavy and i didn't really nice that
dope flash kick looking thing (forgive me my terminology is terrible) and i kind of liked the last kick, it felt like it scraped more than actually hit but it was neat

imo as soon as you landed that kick your movement turned really bad, it felt like you didn't put any effort into the movement after that kick and it kind of takes away from the replay a little

the main section of the replay was nice though, gj
Last edited by Dezrai; Aug 22, 2016 at 11:17 PM.
Thank you Dezrai!
Yeah I kinda burned out on that replay halfway through it
lost motivation ;-;

Anyways. I tried doing a selfspar again. sort of pleased with this one
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Self spar_ No where to run.rpl (403.0 KB, 33 views)
The Eastgrand Assassin..
before i start cncing i just wanna say i feel like you have the basics of movement down so well, the way you move looks really sick and i feel like if you get a better sense of style and attempt harder and more crazy stuff you'll get really good


the openers on both halves were really neat
i kind of liked tori's opener more but it's kinda just preference and that little nimble step that uke took was really sick too
contacts in spars look nice when done right, however i thought that first contact with the legs was really dumb, reason being it stopped the flow of both tori and uke
if one leg went over the other in the sweep, i feel like it would have looked a lot nicer. both would have kept their flow and been able to keep spinning in a way that looks neat

uke's upper body from 940-915 looked really janky, you raised and lowered your shoulders a bunch and it looked kind of ugly
the movement on tori wasn't bad but i don't really feel as if it fit the replay, like right after a collision you did a swingthrough, and your momentum kind of completely reversed
i feel like it would have been better to just come down from the kick back into a regular low-down position you could move from
the kick uke did at 910 looks nice, but it didn't really look like it was directed at tori, it was headed in the wrong direction sort of
the position you had at 882 for uke was really good for a spin of some sort, but the way you launched made it so that you had literally no rotation other than a frontflip.
it kind of made it really obvious that you were setting up for the kick that tori did, and it took away from the style a lot
the way tori got up from the kick was really nice, other than a twitch with your right knee that was a really nice movement
the way uke got up from the kick wasn't too bad but i feel after taking a kick he should have gotten up a little sloppier, it looked like he went unconscious and regained consciousness within the air time he had

i like everything after that. you utilized both launch setups pretty well, and the spins both looked nice, especially with how close they were
my only complaint is that the k.o itself looked a little light
i know the replay glitches here, but the movement from frame 615 up until the end from uke is honestly the biggest display of skill in the whole replay, i really would have loved to see what that looked like without the glitching because your movement was really nice

in summary, try avoid counter rotations since that was my biggest issue with this replay and make your contacts heavier, since most of the hits didn't seem to hard

sorry about the replay glitch that would have looked sick :^(

gj on this though
Thank you Dezrai, I'm always messing around in single player seeing what I can do.

This ones pretty simple,
Schools coming up soon so my replays may become few and far between but any cnc is appreciated.
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GLAmor.rpl (206.0 KB, 18 views)
Last edited by Jericho; Aug 27, 2016 at 01:32 PM. Reason: I'm a dumby head
The Eastgrand Assassin..
The self spar
the movement is nice at points, it may be just me but i swear u are working on an oblivion-ish style herre, wether u know it or not xD but man ur getting better. please make more!
~Smoke Weed