Pretty bad. Some reason you never switch any of the times for server and tourney rotation. Needs more creativity. Also, be ingame more!

Oh wait, I got that part for ya guys. I go. I host several tourneys for a day. Many different times.

Edit: creation and editz are awesome.
Last edited by Link; May 5, 2014 at 07:27 PM.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Looks like you finally implemented my idea...
honestly I have to agree with Link, even when I'm on once in a while I never see a tourney, and when I do there's mostly just one with several GMs cluttered on one time and place, when you could be hosting a dual server or a bets server as well as a tourney, even if you may have few people for either. it is good to branch out and have a variety of events to choose from.

as for the servers, personally I think it's fine but rotations should be at least every few days, not every month.

not very active as I see it right now, but there has been very decent quality in the effort you guys put forth. hopefully it can become a more reoccurring theme.
I think some of the events are just that bad I don't even participate in them, the only one I've really enjoyed was the march madness, contributing to your team and completing the minichallenges where so enjoyable.
you just have to get more event idea from the PT and from Rubash community

increase the prices for the events a little bit i didnt say that it msut be in tc but you could add valuable items too not just junk,

and actually not always about sink sink sink thats all
Id like to see more tourneys that have ladders etc, Like the Team Wushu Tourney type thing (but not as shit :P joke holo pls ).

Forum arranged for In Game.
I like a lot of the GMs, although I feel as if some of them aren't strict enough. I loved Azuremage as a GM.
Qubic, to me, was the perfect GM.
Moderated, and yet made everyone laugh and have a good time, regardless of the server.
And his tourneys were amazing.
goodbye cruel world