yeah, i know, but i've got like 2000 bucks in my pocket and i dont know what to do with them, so i decided to buy full texture set + custom made set. then im going to sell my old stuff and perhaps buy a booster (1k or 10k) so yeah, i know that it is a little wate of money but i've got 2 much money and i need to spend it somehow :P
* ego gently touches Snorlaxen's manly chest while shivering at the thought of being caught out here alone with him.
yeah, but i dont have any needs for that... maybe i will buy some new skis :P

but: i think i will purchase tc's as soon as possible either it will be today or tomorrow i think, but u've still got 2 weeks to work on it :P
Last edited by Snorlaxen; Dec 13, 2008 at 01:18 PM. Reason: spelled wrong.
* ego gently touches Snorlaxen's manly chest while shivering at the thought of being caught out here alone with him.
Originally Posted by Snorlaxen View Post
yeah, i know, but i've got like 2000 bucks in my pocket and i dont know what to do with them, so i decided to buy full texture set + custom made set. then im going to sell my old stuff and perhaps buy a booster (1k or 10k) so yeah, i know that it is a little wate of money but i've got 2 much money and i need to spend it somehow :P

Yeah, but what I'm saying is that you could just spend 50, and you'd get the full textures automaticall, you'd get 100k tc for it, and then a whole crapload of the promo colors, which you could keep, or sell. Then if you wanted to buy a 1k booster, I'd wait till next months promos come out, then you'll get even more cool stuff.
but, there isnt any items yet, but it says there will be new in december or do i still get the full texture? :P
* ego gently touches Snorlaxen's manly chest while shivering at the thought of being caught out here alone with him.
Originally Posted by Snorlaxen View Post
but, there isnt any items yet, but it says there will be new in december or do i still get the full texture? :P

K, so pretty much, you want to pay 100k for this texture set (the artwork.) But you said you're going to buy 500k to pay for textures and stuff. Well, cheapest you can get 500k, if from someone selling it on the forums, your best bet being Opeth or Hector for trustworthyness. That will cost you 50USD.

So, FULL textures (I know you don't want ground and DQ, but bear with me) cost almost 500k alone...

But, for 50USD, you could purchase some TC from Nabi, and it would come with the current promos. Current promos for 50USD-

100k worth of TC Purchased
+ Full Supernova
+ Full Crimson
+ Full Typhon
+ Full Noxious
+ World Championships/Amateur World Championships entry
+ Full Textures.

So, you get 100k tc to buy this texture artwork, You get full sets of Supernova, Crimson, Typhon, and Noxious, and entry to the world championships (which I'm sure you can sell if you don't want it) and the icing on the cake...

FULL textures. Arms, legs, hands, feet, head, trails, floor, dq... EVERYTHING.

So you'd be getting 100k in TC, almost 500k in textures, and 4 different color item sets that are worth a couple hundred thousand as well.

It's a much better buy, in my opinion.
hmm, i'll check it out and ty for the tip. so u just mean it's just to buy it in the "buy toricredits" thing and chose paypal and then 100tc?
* ego gently touches Snorlaxen's manly chest while shivering at the thought of being caught out here alone with him.
Originally Posted by Snorlaxen View Post
hmm, i'll check it out and ty for the tip. so u just mean it's just to buy it in the "buy toricredits" thing and chose paypal and then 100tc?


The new promos are out, it just doesn't say it on that page.
WTF?!?!?!! i bought 100k tc, but i only got the tc's no more...
* ego gently touches Snorlaxen's manly chest while shivering at the thought of being caught out here alone with him.