approaching 14 years, doubt i’ll ever truly be able to leave this community. pretty much grew up here
event squad - event artist
need help? pm me.
village idiot
Outside of nostalgia, I like toribash as a concept. Always have. It's allows for creative replay making (I'm no replay snob but leggang is amazing). It has good moderation and overall I hope for the best. Toribash was always a neat little community.
tb is pretty cool.

after playing the game for so long you can almost tell who is controlling a tori based on their movements alone.

ive been playing for 8 years and i probably shouldve spent that time on something thats more useful in real life… oh well…

at least i can do a sick triple backflip into a corkscrew.
I feel like my life wouldn't be in as much of shambles as it is now, if I never played this game. With that being said, truly something I enjoyed playing. Made me feel like I was kinda good at something
Ily <3
Toribash helped me through some rough times in years past and epitomized the concept of easy to learn difficult to master. The great players in the community are what make it worth coming back. The beatings will continue.
It's amazing how the time goes and through the pass of the years the community and the people I see, it's always the same
i came back after 5 years of doing uni stuff just for nostalgia, opened up quick aikido nd one match in just started repeating "i fucking love this game wow" to myself.

then i played for 14 hours through the night nd was 30 minutes late to work because i didn't wanna leave a tourney to get out of bed