I think the slow-paced heavy style in these replays could work a lot better if you got into some cooler positions following your hits, like there's a hit in computers (around 260) where you do a real cool relaxed setup and boot him, but then pretty much fold like an omelette (I think that kills the perceived impact of the move a bit personally). However, a real upside of your replays is that you move with intention between each action, with little unnecessary re-adjustment or twitching. If you haven't been replaymaking for long then this is a pretty uncommon strength to have.

I can't really fault you for not going for better dms at some points, since this game is bullshit, but it would certainly be an improvement. Out of place is a good example of where nicer boomhits would tie up the replay in a satisfying manner, since it looks like you're setting up for BIG moves, but then there's not much destruction. Alternatively, you can make stuff look more powerful by just making sure uke's body parts fly away faster.

keep making those replays ymir