I know it's safe but some dealers put crack and shit in it to get you addicted so make sure you know who your buying from... and we discussed this lol when i met you you asked me if ive ever done drugs and i said yes, weed. and you said you smoked once and i told you i smoked about 8 times before i quit... no i dont do it anymore but i believe they should legalize it.
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thats called lacing it has u prolly known and its very easy to know/check, all it is , is he sprinkles the crack on top then seals the back. 1 way to know is if the weed is super expensive and also if theres tiny glistening lights when u put the weed to the light, a way to get rid of it is simply either shake it all off or to just put it in some water and then dry and chk.

Anyway can we keep this to ps3 related stuff instead of weed? if you want open up a weed thread lol
seriously people this is supposed to be relevant to PS3 last i checked weed was not.
ima crusin for a bruisn
dudes i finally got skate 2!! if any1 of you owns this game for ps3 and wants to pull off something just send a msg to me or find me ingame
Originally Posted by Polarfuchs View Post
i know thats not the right place but you gotta watch this

Omg i almost died from laughter what a fucking nerd ROFL (pimp69 is actually one of my friends on XBOX lol)
ima crusin for a bruisn
Yea... :/ i want to owns someone on Cod WAW, i gots a mic so while i be shootingz you, i be scremzing in yur EArz so Baha
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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