Is that the same shooting that was all over the news? Pretty bad, that was.

Oh well. Unlucky. ;P
collect snots from the nose
Same place, different horror story. It's worse than Summer Bay on Home & Away. It seems every week, there is a murder, suicide, stalker, mineshaft collapse, stranded boats. There are like 20 people living in the town and there are more tragedies there than in the entire South Pacific put together.
I hear McLeod's Daughters resurrects people by having others find them in the bush.


That sounds familiar. Formerly dead people coming out of woodland...
*runs into America screaming*
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Stew.

A Mexican drug detainee has confessed to dissolving the bodies of 300 rivals with corrosive chemicals near the US border, in a shocking claim even by the standards of Mexico's brutal drug war.

Santiago Meza, known as "The Stew Maker," told journalists he did away with bodies in industrial drums in this border village outside the violent city of Tijuana.

More than 700 people died in Tijuana last year as rival gangs battled for control of the city's lucrative drug trade. Many others are missing and believed dead after being abducted.

The suspect, who was paraded before journalists by the army on Friday, said he was paid US$600 (A$920) a week by a breakaway faction of the Arellano Feliz cartel to dispose of slain rivals with caustic soda, a highly corrosive substance.

"They brought me the bodies and I just got rid of them," Meza said at a construction site where he claimed to have dissolved 300 corpses last year.

A high-ranking army officer told Reuters he believed Meza, who was arrested with three other people on Thursday, was telling the truth. The bodies took 24 hours to dissolve but left some remains which were dumped in a nearby pit, Meza said.

Police have previously recovered human remains burned with acid in and around the city.

The spiraling violence of Mexico's drug war has cast a pall over the country and presents a huge challenge to President Felipe Calderon, who has deployed thousands of troops to crush the cartels.

The drug war claimed 5,700 lives across Mexico last year, more than double the number of victims in 2007.

Originally Posted by Wikipedia
The "fourth fish stick incident" happened in Vantaa, Finland, on 8 January 2009.

On a lunch break at the Vantaankoski grade school in Vantaa, at about 11 AM local time, a 13-year-old boy took four fish sticks on his plate when the school rules only allow an initial serving of three, more can be taken afterwards. The lunchlady asked the boy to put the fourth fish stick back. The boy declined, saying that he had already got mashed potatoes and sauce over it, and no one would want it any more. A teacher then came to correct the boy, and put their hand on his shoulder. This caused the boy to drop his plate on the floor. He was asked to clean up after himself, but declined.

The boy then left for the next lesson, which was home cooking. The school curator tried to fetch the boy for questioning twice, but he declined to come both times. As a last resort, the school called the Finnish police to help. This caused a general disorder in the school.

By 14 January, 2009, the incident had already been reported in both Helsingin Sanomat and Ilta-Sanomat and gained a nationwide Internet following

You probably have heard about it, but if someone hasn't, then here you go.