aggrrrr.... do we have too? i mean its alota work getting them ranks as is, and now we're changing them again?
- its been a while
i was promoted from second highest in rank other than officials to................................................ ................................................. second lowest i don lik this system T-T

i worked hard for ir T-T
What are requierments for custom?

Yeah, im heading down that road?
"My motivation is Failure" Call me Person.
{DarDarDarDar Dakneshh.}
ok after your in this clan awhile... you might be promoted to arbiter. basicially an official who tries to get people to follow clan rules and stuff. you report to sidielandi only. you report about other officials abusing their power...

but i mean your just in rank a couple of days, and your a great fighter, so just strive to be a demented
- its been a while