Endurance Onslaught 6.0
We also came up with new MF and TF settings. The new MF is 350 and the TF is now 10,20,10,30,10,40,10,50,10,50,10,100.

These staggered turn frames gives you bursts of control but then turns to allow what you do to take place. This setting has worked quite well during testing.

Also it's easier to stop shovels because you are able to go low to the ground. With no ground DQ you arn't afraid to touch the ground and often I've gotten down and deflected the push of the shovel and gotten into a more advantageous position underneeth thier centre of gravity. That's not to say the shovel doesn't work but against someone who's prepared for it it's harder to execute sucessfully.
I love this mod,I believe i played this mod with you Tac and i [SARCASM]COMPLETELY OWNED YOU[/SARCASM]

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
Lol. I think I did see you on my server. I find that people either love it or hate it and the people that like it are those that appreceate that level of control over how much damage or carnage you can do. I was told there was a tourny held with SRF but I wasn't around to see how that went. If someone knows how that went and they can PM me that would be nice.
I'm not gonno pm u but yeah i saw the tourney,wasn't there tho,i saw the promobot announce it xD

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
Well I'd like to know how it went and to see peoples reaction to the mod so if you wern't there then that doesn't help :P

But seriously if someone can send that to me that would be nice.
yah, i went to the tourney, allthough i didn't fight. TacCom, this is the most popular "official-like" (only changing a little of the uke/tori, and gamerules), since borba, and that takes too much skill to play.

funny thing though, no-one did a shovel until about 1/3 of the way into the tourney. and Mosier was beaten by a yellow belt. after the fight, he said that he would give him 15k if he won first. he ended up turning up in second... i wanted to have the first place let the second win, just so Mosier would have to cough up, but Ray said it was matchfixing and illegal.

all in all, a pretty popular gamerule set. Do you have your server up all day?
- its been a while
I don't have it up all day currently since I turn off my computer when I'm away but I'm sure I can arrange to have it up all day. I'm gald to see such a good responce to the mod. I aimed to make it as an improvement to the Judo mod since I felt that didn't embody Judo at all :P This mod requires more Judo technique then the Judo mod so I think we did our job :P But DoubleDagR and I came up with the settings generally as a mod that requires more throwing and ground technique then other mods because either your limbs will simply fall off or you can't touch the ground so it made things tricky.

Can you tell me how the MF and TF settings were though? I want to see if they used the default 10 or the improved staggered TF.

Also, check out my replays (http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=78676). Many of my replays are done in SRF and probally most of my replays in the future will be to. I also have a couple replica Judo techniques in there aswell. I use a very Judo style in SRF so most of my moves in SRF are similar to Judo moves that are used.
Last edited by TacCom; Mar 7, 2009 at 06:38 AM.
they used the mod, which means (i believe) the akido-like ones that are the defualts.

oh, and if you have toribash 3.7, you can set the reaction time, which gives this mod a twist.

ill come by to your server in a bit....
- its been a while
Sorry. I was afk. I do that sometimes :P

We need to get the MF and TF changed to the new settings. Do we have to resubmit the mod to have them changed to what I previously posted?

Also I'm going to experiment with either dismember off or setting the DT higher because after seeing quite a few matches tonight it still seems too easy. Fracturing seems sufficiant to mess up someones game big time but a dismember is practically game over and I don't think it should ever come to that because that's not what this mod is about.
Last edited by TacCom; Mar 7, 2009 at 08:21 AM.