Assasin, maybe you should tell us your everything.

Hours Played Everday:
Games won everyday:

People would ask you for that you know
I cant believe the trend i started with my shop.

ontopic though: You need to be able to prove people can trust you before you will get lots of business, and doing what aspire says will help with that
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Originally Posted by Gumfighter View Post
I cant believe the trend i started with my shop.

ontopic though: You need to be able to prove people can trust you before you will get lots of business, and doing what aspire says will help with that

Thanks Gumfighter.

Don't open a qi Shop if people don't even know you. Make yourself "popular" or well-known.