I'm sorry if I've been MIA for the past few days, mates.

Been getting increasingly busy because of schoolwork and the demands of being a university varsity debater.

Speaking of which, I'm gonna be competing in an out-of-town debate tournament this week. I'm gonna leave today at 3:00 PM here (it's 11:17 AM at the time that I typed this post), and I won't be back until the 30th.

Ciao, mates, and take good care of [Evil] for me while I'm gone. I know you fellows are more than capable.

See ya and wish me luck, gentlemen!
Good luck, mate! Tell me how it went and such when you get back!
<Spartan094> jcan't into links fck bithse sg mgiet monehy lolololf
I'll be straightforward.

I've decided to leave the clan, mates.

I don't believe that I'm entitled to creating a proprietary "farewell" thread, since I haven't done anything of note for the benefit of [Evil] during my stay here, so I just posted in the thread with the closest topic context-wise to departing.

I'll still be dropping by the IRC from time to time, since the [Evil] regulars there are really fun to talk to, if you fellows would allow me to do so.

Hope there's no hard feelings between us, mates. Thanks for having me, even for a little while.
Don't worry about it Bruno. We've all been pretty busy lately.
If only everyone could be as sexy as me
Well, I'm sorry to say this but I've decided to leave the clan, guys.

I'll still post around and drop by the IRC whenever I have the time.

Thank you everyone for having me. I appreciate it.
Alright bye.

Oh and hey I'm on vacation in Hawaii! So I will be gone for a week.
If only everyone could be as sexy as me