Imo, I don't see a point in buying a private board, if we want a tutorial thread of some sort, why not just make one lol? People aren't going to steal our ideas and tutorials, if anything it'll be a help to them, we don't need to spend that 40,000tc on something useless in my opinion.
Buuut It's for the good of our clan. We need to help each other so we can excel more than the other people. I see your point of view lynx buuuut I'm a bit paranoid and I don't want other random people getting mad skills because of our generosity. This might not sound that good buuut I think more people will agree that we make it private.
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
Soooo... Waiting for the leaders' decision c: I want to share knowledge privately now.
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
Well i don't know what else we could use the tc's for, it's fine by me.
But i think we could use the thread for more then just tutorials, maybe secrets to.
yeah. We could use it just as a private thread for anything we dont want to share out.. But will we be able to change the password or is it always the same? :/ since if we kick some ppl out of the clan and they got access to our clan "secret board"... thats just not up to good
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]
I didn't donate to the clan bank yet, but just in case my opinion counts, I'd say we make a private thread, and discuss everything only clan members should know, and change the pass everytime someone gets kicked out.
If we do go ahead with this 'Private board', 2pro raised a very important point, everytime we kick a member, or leaves the clan, we have to change the Password, if we don't want them stealing our, 'Secrets'.