Original Post
[GΜ]Clan League 2k15 - FINALS

The time has come to once again gather your clans for battle in the biggest event of the year, brought to you by the GameMasters it’s the 2015 Clan League!

Your clan must be at least two months old at the start of the Clan league to be eligible for the clan league and have a minimum of 5 active members. Same as last year, you must include rosters of at least 5 people in your clan. Only people on this provided roster may play for the clan, and players cannot be added or removed after league is started. Anyone who joins two or more clans on alts will be severely punished.

You apply by having the leader of the clan to send 5k to MagicalSack. Then you must copy and paste the application form below and fill it out.
Full clan name:
Age of the clan:
Average GMT:
List of clan members:(cannot be changed once first round starts)
Confirmation that you've sent the fee

This time we are going to hold Double elimination tournament, which means that you have to lose not once but twice to be out of the event, isn't it splendid?



There will be multiple mods each round and the first round of this is going to be the best of 5 mods including the bonus mod. There will be a minimum of 4 players, with a max of 4 games played per round. Spectators of your clan are allowed to watch. No player may play more than two games in a single mod.
The clan war is to be finished within a week from the start of the round, if not, the win will go to the clan showing the most activity will go to the next round. If a match isn't arranged between the two clans both are disqualified from the competition. No exceptions.

A round will consist of three games in each of these mods:
  • greykido.tbm
  • lenshu3ng.tbm
  • erthtkv2.tbm
  • judofrac.tbm

There is a bonus mod which will be revealed at the start of each round, giving a total of 5 mods and 15 matches per round.

List of possible bonus mods

  • Trophy item
  • Badge under clan's name in clanboards
  • Chance to work with Item Forgers to create a custom 3D item
  • One item of choice from those available in the shop*

  • Trophy item
  • One item of choice from those available in the shop*

  • One item of choice from those available in the shop**
  • Pat on the back

* with exception of subscriptions, collector items and packs
**with exception of subscriptions, collector items, packs, elite tier items and misc textures

awarded to members who contributed to the clan during the league

Under no circumstances are you to join two or more clans in the competition using alts

If a clan dies or can’t produce the members needed for each round, they will forfeit the competition.

If a match isn't arranged between the two clans, both are disqualified. If one clan can show that they actively attempted to arrange with the other clan and the effort was not reciprocated, that clan may be given the win.

Your clan must be at least two months old at the start of the Clan league to be eligible for the clan league and have a minimum of 5 active members.

You must include rosters of at least 5 people in your clan, and players cannot be added or removed.

No player may play more than 4 games in any round.

No player may play more than 2 games in any mod.

Along with the results of your matches, please post in this thread a list of games played including both participants and the winner and replays.

The Rules can and may change in favour of making the event better.


The IRC channel used last year is to be used again. We advise you use it to set up matches and discussing anything ingame related. To join it click here: #events

art by Jusmi
Last edited by Scorpio; Aug 29, 2015 at 10:14 PM.
Hack vs Sinon
Archi 1-0 Concon19
Osacura 1-1 Concon19
Archi 2-1 Weooweoo
Bondarenko 3-1 Weooweoo
Bondarenko 4-1 Weooweoo
Hocok 5-1 Concon19
Archi 5-2 Nerobe
Archi 5-3 Nerobe
Rubilas 5-4 Weooweoo
StopMePlz 6-4 Nerobe
StopMePlz 7-4 Nerobe
Bondarenko 8-4 Concon19

Hack w0n
Last edited by BONDarenko; Jun 18, 2015 at 07:27 PM.
Да Бонд, но не джеймс :D
Nitro Versus Light

Nitro Vs Light Clan League Score

Frist mod : greykido

[Nitro] VS (Light)
JuvyToot Vs Shark
Light Victory 0-1

Justin Vs Shark - sharks second match in greykido
Nitro Victory 1-1

Justin Vs Parrot - Justins second match in greykido
Nitro Victory 2-1

Second Mod : Judofrac

[Nitro] Vs (Light)

ispro VS Devil
Nitro Victory 3-1

BlackDragon VS Parrot
Nitro Victory 4-1

Cwis VS Devil
Light Victory 4-2

Third Mod : Lenshu3ng

ispro VS Shark
Nitro Victory 5-2

ispro Vs Devil
Nitro Victory 6-2

Qukslice VS shark
Light victory 6-3

Fourth mod Erthtkv2

Qukslice VS parrot
Nitro victory 7-3

Qukslice VS parrot
Nitro victory 8-3 Match Point.

Nitro Victory.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
Hidden vs. Infinity |             Hidden - Players - Infinity        
MOD: greykido.tbm

      0 - 1         |          Hidden - iver vs. Skill - Infinity
      1 - 1         |         Hidden - Formo vs. Skill - Infinity
      1 - 2         |         Hidden - Formo vs. W1LL14M - Infinity
MOD: lenshu3ng.tbm

      1 - 3         |         Hidden - Agony vs. W1LL14M - Infinity
      2 - 3         |      Hidden - Jeferson vs. Skill - Infinity
      3 - 3         |      Hidden - Jeferson vs. W1LL14M - Infinity
MOD: judofrac.tbm

      4 - 3         |   Hidden - lordholanda vs. Lucastorre - Infinity
      4 - 4         |   Hidden - lordholanda vs. Lucastorre - Infinity
      5 - 4         |       Hidden - curvine vs. Vadact - Infinity
MOD: taido2.tbm

      6 - 4         |   Hidden - lordholanda vs. W1LL14M - Infinity
      6 - 5         |   Hidden - lordholanda vs. Lucastorre - Infinity
      6 - 6         |       Hidden - curvine vs. Lucastorre - Infinity
MOD: erthtk.tbm

      7 - 6         |          Hidden - iver vs. Skill - Infinity
      7 - 7         |          Hidden - iver vs. xHaxx - Infinity
      8 - 7         |         Hidden - Agony vs. xHaxx - Infinity
Final Score: Hidden 8 x 7 Infinity
Hidden wins.

Really tight war.

I love you all <3

edit: WAPOW!!!!
Last edited by iver; Jun 21, 2015 at 12:44 AM.
Liquor beats Sigma 9-6, gg fellas


can provide autosaves if necessary
Last edited by phail; Jun 20, 2015 at 07:16 PM.
lead Sigma
Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
@phail have you underlined the losers? or said the wrong clan won?

we won sigma lost and the underlined are the people who won
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Originally Posted by AlphaN00b View Post
we won sigma lost and the underlined are the people who won

I believe the underlined people were the ones who lost, but yeah no confusion anymore

thanks phail
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
Haunted VS Aeon


1nd: Dolphyno vs Rune
(Haunted)Dolphyno won

2nd: Dolphyno vs Rune
(Haunted)Dolphyno won

3rd: Cillster vs Abyss
(Aeon)Abyss won


4th: Butter6699 vs NotShadow
(Haunted)Butter6699 Won

5th: Butter6699 vs Abyss
(Aeon)Abyss Won

6th: Cillster vs NotShadow
(Haunted)Cillster Wins


7th: Soul vs Jormungandr
(Aeon)Jormungandr wins

8th: Butter6699 vs Jormungandr
(Aeon)Jormungandr wins

9th: Soul vs Chirs
(Haunted)Soul wins


10th: Soul vs NotShadow
(Haunted)Soul Wins

11th: Soul vs NotShadow
(Aeon)NotShadow wins

12th: Dolphyno vs Chirs
(Haunted)Dolphyno Wins


13th: Cillster vs Rune
(Aeon)Rune Wins

14th: Dolphyno vs Abyss
(Haunted)Dolphyno Wins

Haunted wins

gg Aeon

I had many heart attacks that war
Last edited by Butter6699; Jun 20, 2015 at 10:56 PM. Reason: cuz i had heart attacks :/
WAPOW vs duck
Just a heads up.
We have 5 more matches to play and we are waiting on duck.

They said that they cannot finish today, but will be available tomorrow afternoon.

We are ready when they are.

edit: We finished up Round 2, duck wins 8 - 5
GG duck and Good Luck in your next match up
You've impressed us.

BTW, everyone who repeats this at the end of their post warms my ❤
Last edited by Krulls; Jun 21, 2015 at 03:45 AM.


duck wins 8 - 5
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020