First name: Ismael
Age: 13
Belt: 3 dan
Location+GMT: Argentina+ i have no idea wtf GMT means
Two Sentences About Yourself:I'm really beast. and i can be a teacher of mushu
Special Skills/Why We Should Accept You:I'M DA BEIST and im good at akido my global rank is 635
How did you hear/find out about [Lost]?: My friend is the owner
Why do you want to join: I feel like this is a gewd clan
In-game activity (1-10): 9 cause i go to school or i BE 10 OUT 10 BIYTCH
Forum activity (1-10): 7
Mods you play: Aikido, Quick Aikido, and mushu
Past bans? List them and why: NEVAR
Past clans: sunkenrock or some gay shiz
You already saw my replays flames
Back and black with my caucasian asian BIATCH
Originally Posted by Movester View Post
First name: Ismael
Age: 13
Belt: 3 dan
Location+GMT: Argentina+ i have no idea wtf GMT means
Two Sentences About Yourself:I'm really beast. and i can be a teacher of mushu
Special Skills/Why We Should Accept You:I'M DA BEIST and im good at akido my global rank is 635
How did you hear/find out about [Lost]?: My friend is the owner
Why do you want to join: I feel like this is a gewd clan
In-game activity (1-10): 9 cause i go to school or i BE 10 OUT 10 BIYTCH
Forum activity (1-10): 7
Mods you play: Aikido, Quick Aikido, and mushu
Past bans? List them and why: NEVAR
Past clans: sunkenrock or some gay shiz
You already saw my replays flames

Originally Posted by niceflames View Post

Lol, i was talking like that cause it was a joke i've been invited to many clans but then i choose yours because you're my friend like i said on skype i don't give a sh*t if you say yes or not
Back and black with my caucasian asian BIATCH
Country+GMT:Kosova idk about GMT
2 sentences about your self:I am pretty much a pro .Too good for black belt
Special skills:Pretty good at mushu and NUKESPAR.
How did you hear about [Lost]:Internet suggested it to me
Why do you want to join:Cause Internet told me so
In-game activity:9
Forum activity:7
Mods you play:Mushu,NuKESPAR,Taekkyon etc,etc.
Past clan:Solar.Legend,Vmpire,Chaos
Past bans:Never banned
Replays ill post em later
Originally Posted by Suero View Post
Country+GMT:Kosova idk about GMT
2 sentences about your self:I am pretty much a pro .Too good for black belt
Special skills:Pretty good at mushu and NUKESPAR.
How did you hear about [Lost]:Internet suggested it to me
Why do you want to join:Cause Internet told me so
In-game activity:9
Forum activity:7
Mods you play:Mushu,NuKESPAR,Taekkyon etc,etc.
Past clan:Solar.Legend,Vmpire,Chaos
Past bans:Never banned
Replays ill post em later

No, don't come back.
Originally Posted by Suero View Post
Country+GMT:Kosova idk about GMT
2 sentences about your self:I am pretty much a pro .Too good for black belt
Special skills:Pretty good at mushu and NUKESPAR.
How did you hear about [Lost]:Internet suggested it to me
Why do you want to join:Cause Internet told me so
In-game activity:9
Forum activity:7
Mods you play:Mushu,NuKESPAR,Taekkyon etc,etc.
Past clan:Solar.Legend,Vmpire,Chaos
Past bans:Never banned
Replays ill post em later

I said nothing , and



Last edited by Internet; Mar 8, 2013 at 05:56 AM.
First name: Jacob
Belt: Black
Location+GMT: Connecticut /GMT?
Two Sentences About Yourself: im very persistent during matches, i love to play toribash because it push me to try to do better if i fail.
Special Skills/Why We Should Accept You: as i said im persistent , if you know me im known for my comebacks during a match.
Where did you hear/find out about [Lost]?: i saw one of your clan members fighting and i like he was very hardcore.
Why you want to join:i want to join because i want to represent something or someone, and train with some professionals as well.
In-game activity (1-10): 10
Forum activity (1-10):8
Mods you play: akido and im still practicing woshou
Past bans? List them and why:None
Past clans:i had one with a friend it was called gravity but we all started to leave.
*You must include 1-2 single player replays and 1-2 multiplayer replays of yourself:
my brother deleted all my replays but the will be up to date soon.