Original Post
[GOD] Toribash Summer Camp

Final standings

Final team scores

Individual high scores

The Toribash Summer Camp is all about playing different mini-games cooperatively and competitively in order to rack up the most points as many points as you can. Wins contribute to your own individual score as well as the score of your team. The team with the most points at the end are declared the winners and will each receive a prize. Post in this thread to sign up for the team of your choosing, however there can only be 15 players in each team. Not to worry though, if you don’t make it into a team you can still compete in the servers in order to achieve individual victory. The team rosters are as follows:


To sign up for a team, please post your team of choice in this thread. It's first in first served.

There will be 3 mini game servers hosted in one day, three times a week for two weeks. Times are not concrete so you will be notified through broadcast and by posts on this thread (so if you’re really on the look out you can subscribe to this thread). Mini-games will be played in a variety of mods that will remain a mystery until the server is launched. You gain points for your team as well as individually. At the end of each day we will post and tell you the team standings as well as the top individual player so far. You do not have to sign up to play individually.

Within a server different team members and individuals will compete in order to gain the most points as a team or individually. However, in order to prevent the servers from becoming stale, if you win 5x in a row you (and your partner in cooperative mods) will be fknocked. The servers will last for an hour and a half each, though they may run one after another depending on the times. You can score points in any camp server, not just the one run by your team leader.

  • Every one on the winning team will receive a special non-tradeable collectors item, which varies depending on which team wins.

    Team sid

    Team mwah

    Team phail

    Team rai

    Team ishi

    Individual Prize:

  • You will receive prizes based on your performance within the team (measured by amount of wins).

  • The top scoring five on the winning team will each receive an additional 25k.
  • The middle scoring five on the winning team will each receive an additional 15k.
  • The lowest scoring five on the winning team will each receive an additional 10k.

  • The best performing individual player will receive 40k as well as the collectors item.

The servers themselves have general server rules (no advertising, flaming, spamming, etc.).

Due to activity concerns, those who are found to not be participating in the servers and just coasting along for free prizes will receive an activity warning and if they don’t start attending their spot on the team will become vacant, so please don't sign up if you don't plan to attend the servers.

If you win less than five times you will not receive a prize even if your team wins.

You cannot change teams once you sign up.

Sign ups for teams start now as the event is running from June 2nd to June 14th. Servers will start even if all the teams aren't yet full so make sure you sign up quickly!

If you have any further questions, send me a PM or post in this thread. Good luck everyone, we’ll look forward to seeing you in our camp servers.
Last edited by phail; Jun 15, 2014 at 07:42 AM.
lead Sigma
It might be best if I resign from my position. I'm never online at the same time as any of the camps due to work or the timezone differences.

Sorry guys.
Let Satan guide you
i gotta survive today and tomorrow in the #1 spot for individual

N3WB and iTemp pretty close to my score.
it'll be close

@#w#@ 4 Legend
Originally Posted by therealcj View Post
it's really hard to come back when theres only 1 camp per day and sometimes none at all..

yes well, I'll try to get some back to back ones in today and this weekend since it'll be finishing up, and I'll tell others to do the same if they can. have to keep in mind we don't have unlimited man power and some of us (me, it's me) have to work.

since I'm pretty sure I'm in your gmt check out the ones I'll have up around 4pm

and 7pm
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
Mwah is GMT-5

So camp 9pm and 12pm gmt

for me 10pm and 1:00pm
same for anyone else currently on BST ( UK time until october )
Last edited by N3WB; Jun 13, 2014 at 08:10 PM.

I'm same GMT as mwah, yay, I'll be there!
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
camp in roughly an hour

starting soon, join camp1 to get a slot
Last edited by mWah; Jun 13, 2014 at 10:59 PM.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.