Yesterday was quite an interesting day... my school held a mental issues counseling and I chose the topic relating to family issues. I don’t even know why I chose this topic in the first place as my relationship with my family is actually really good. When the counseler asked the students one by one why they chose this topic in particular it was really awkward as they actually had real family issues like divorce, death & daily fights. I just sat there being awkward and made up stories to symphatized with the others...

Also the person assigned to be the counseler is very pretty owo
cool initiative from your school to be honest, really cool

I disliked the making up stories part, everyone has family issues no matter how big or little they are. From the people who have "worse" cases in their particular life, they should be mature enough to deal with people who didn't experience as much disgraces as them, that's part of the overcoming too in my opinion. As for you, diminishing your own bad experiences will never be a good thing, I think you should always take your personal problems seriously no matter how "insignificant" they might seem next to others'.

I don't know anything about your life and might be just saying a lot of shit but at least you could take that as an advice. Just wanted to share my thoughts
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
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Originally Posted by Kaito View Post
bad jokes, looks like it's frost effect

alright let's talk about something

i'm very happy from few days ago because i managed to able to chat and play a game with my crush after having some shitty things. we are only communicate at night due to busy with the day, but that's not a big deal for me tho. we usually starts at 8 pm until midnight, it could happens everyday if only we don't have tasks for the next day. whenever i interact with her, i feel like she gave me some energy to rid of any negative thing even i've through a hard day. i'm so glad that i meet someone like her

Fucking ask her out already jeez

Also lionet speaking truth there
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight
Well "made up stories" is an exaggeration or the incorrect term to describe what actually happened. What actually happened was that I exaggerate current conditions in my household and large family. For example I said that my parents argue all the time, though in actuality they just bicker about internet problems or badminton players often.
Badminton eh?

Must be upper class ;p
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight
I wouldn't say as much as upper class more Middle class
since most UK public academy's have Badminton oh yeah and it's Matty I think I'm gonna use 300k for namechanges, 200k back to Matty , [l]Matty and 100k for this account to egend, [l]egend. anyone willing to help this boy I've got 200k down already need More tc to get the full 300k I'm scared I'll get banked somehow, ( if you have a big pocket Send to Aurarian it's banned so I can't use your money don't worry ;) up until 19th where I'll get a namechange the minute I get my account back )
Last edited by Cizor; Mar 1, 2019 at 11:33 PM.
Hmmmmmmmm but what's in it for the donors

Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight
Originally Posted by Donut View Post
Badminton eh?

Must be upper class ;p

Here in Indonesia, you can literally find people playing badminton everywhere and it's quite a popular sport here as it's one of the few sports we're actually good at.
I'm gonna Make my Sig, (when I buy it ) 512 ground names on their, and when I buy full 512 I'll add your names around my body