Posted for discussion, goodluck

(I’ve waited months to say this line)

application was withdrawn lol. ~t
Last edited by tabby; Jan 21, 2019 at 01:12 AM.
Hello there
MY name is Nation (Previously Whizkid14)
I am A 16-year-old male coming from the island of Uk
I am currently a student in school and am doing my exams towards the middle of this year.
I am a 5th dan Black belt and am active in game most of the time I'm at home
The only time I can't check the forums is class time

Favourite mods
My current favourite mods are ABD Mushu and Boxshu
Most of my time was spent In ABD lobbies looking to improve (Might've worked who knows) However recently i am getting into Mushu and Boxshu as i like the unpredictability Of how Things like to dismember Be it from a simple tap or someone Kicking you into another dimension.
Why i want to join
I wish to join Adventure as Everyone in the clan is a fun and mostly active member of the community. I also think that joining the clan could be a fun experience for Me and i could learn from the experience. To the clan, I could bring My questionable Sense of humor and semi-talented gameplay

My main hobbies include: Playing games, ToriBash R6s amongst others.
I also revise And do school work.
My Taste in music is somewhat questionable At least to the majority of people As it is the rock genre Such as Hard rock and Soft rock Bands such as skillet and Linkin Park.

Thank you for taking the time to read this
All the best
Hello there, fellow [a]dventurers, I am here to apply(hard to figure out, right?).

My name is Gaspard and im 15 years old and I, previously known as Flame, have been playing toribash since August 2013, so its almost been 6 years. During that time-frame I have managed to develop a lot of skill, especially in the mod ABD. I have also been in my fair share of clans, including a couple that I have been in with Swosh, like [Ct] and [e](I think, can't remember if it was [e] or like [u]). I have been observing the clan for the past few days, including the forum, and I like how this runs.

I want to apply to [a], because I am friends with a people from here too like wizard, witch, quack and traffic(you too tabby don't be mad at me for making fun out of you being help squad >:c). I think the in game and forum activity here is just right for me, where there's usually at least 1 in game and online at all times. I unfortunately took a years break just when [a] was popping off and I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to give something new a try, maybe making some new friends too. I was previously in All Stars for about a month and a bit but I decided too leave after being done dirty by one member Tochukwu and then the leader still siding with toch too(gabe).

So yeah, I think that just about sums up my application, sorry that its not a long one but I feel like I've said just about everything I wanted too so, thanks for reading.
Nation and Counter have been denied at this time, both are free to reapply in a month or something.

if you want an explanation of why you were denied, feel free to contact me


posted fouzr discussion. make sure to join our discord, invite link is the [Adventure] in my signature
my name in discord is : Shawn#4228
My presentation
My name is Shawn,I'm 15 years old.i live in France (im french not english and im very bad in english)im a tricker in real life

Why i want to join Adventure
I want to join Adventure because this clan is very very cool and the leader is actif also the player,and like you say we dont want number 1 , we want to have fun and laugh.
that's why I want to join

In game
i play for about 1 years and it's my favorite very strong in boxshu (20 streaks)and i want upgrade,im very strong in randoms mods ex:Tenis,Basketball,skate,etc..and in the bets randoms mods people bet for me day I won 10k)

i am very very very active on the forums.I often come to the market to see the offers

(Im very very sorry for this horrible english)
Last edited by deviltown; Feb 21, 2019 at 02:28 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump