Rofl, A boy like you got drunk? Your like, 11? I must say, rispect for having sex at that age lol.
Note, alcomahol is not cool >.>
Originally Posted by nutcracker View Post
Rofl, A boy like you got drunk? Your like, 11? I must say, rispect for having sex at that age lol.
Note, alcomahol is not cool >.>

Yeah, I look really young. I'm 15.
I found a picture of Pika. :>

Is it just me or is Pika ginger? O_O
Last edited by Rai; Nov 20, 2009 at 09:04 PM.
Excuse the fact that it's turned horizontal. I am still getting used to my new Droid. I got it 2 days ago. It's super amazing, but it takes some time to get used to it!
Last edited by Brousse; Nov 21, 2009 at 02:41 AM.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Narutoh powahs are gay! :O
At least I think i can see shaving "creme" on the picture. He doesn't cut his hear but he shaves.
Clan: DAT
Experience: Since 1.6 or before.
Hahahaha. That's exactly right. It's shaving cream and tooth paste. Usually, I pretend to be a vicious dog while I brush and it gets out of hand.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Narutoh powahs are gay! :O