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Suggestions for 4.3 - e-sports release

I'm working on the new 4.3 version, the release is focused on features that make tournaments, duels and spectating more exciting, easier to use.

Currently I have on my todo:
- Ingame opener stats (first use, name, win ratio, who found it first)
- Naming of openers used (if you create a new opener, you can also name it)
- Ingame player stats (join date, games played, win ratio etc)
- Mouse over on joint stats (how close to breaking was the join, how much damage did it take)
- Pause tournament or duel (ops can pause a current match)
- /decaprize 1000
"hampa has added a 1000 TC prize for decapitation"

+ the usual bug fixes and tweaks.

If you have any other competitive features, please post in this thread.
Last edited by hampa; Nov 7, 2012 at 02:32 AM.
Originally Posted by Abnoub123 View Post
I think blood textures would be cool...(You pick a picture & wen ur tori bleeds it shows that picture).
Also i have a hair idea The Afro(i hope you know wat this is)

i agree, thats will be cool, and the flame can be the real flame
Heyo, I just have a little something to talk about, the /decap/dismember prize is a great idea, but what if i placed 40k instead of 4k, am I able to cancel?
Art Shop! [TA]<3 [TGO]<3 [r]<3
> naming openers when you create them
Sweet now I can just go perform every possible opener and name them all "The Gormanator #X"
This seems like a good idea.
Originally Posted by hampa View Post

I'm working on the new 4.3 version, the release is focused on features that make tournaments, duels and spectating more exciting, easier to use.

Currently I have on my todo:
- Ingame opener stats (first use, name, win ratio, who found it first)
- Naming of openers used (if you create a new opener, you can also name it)
+ the usual bug fixes and tweaks.

You should start of with having to accept all openers first. Or else we'll get a race for getting your name on the shovel and so on.

Also what are your plans to prevent the same opener suggested over and over again but with one joint different?

Also also some sort of implementing/remaking of
PM me with any and all questions
How about a tourney that gives random items but you need over 10 people other than a GM tourney...
Or new tutorial that explains way more...

And also a setting where you can see belts like what the previous one
I'm ready for my daily dose of cringe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
How about fixing the achievements? Most of them doesn't work, and it would be nicer to have them in-game.
We should focus on what's broken instead of constantly adding new stuff.
Last edited by Lazors; Dec 23, 2012 at 09:48 PM.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
i assume that by e-sport you mean aswell clanwars, here we want to have many spectators but allow only members of clans in clanwar to actually fight, we can set up password but that prevents people from typing, fspeccing everyone isn't the easiest way either.
My suggestion is to implement mode where "/enter" command works only for specified tags(or users if it's some bigger duel), people can watch the fight, talk, bet and so on but can't enter the fight.