Thank you very much, Notnoob. Seeing walls of text in my threads always makes me happy

Played around in a new parkour mod, fun times.
Link to mod.
Attached Files
Jisse - Night Vision.rpl (750.0 KB, 101 views)
Not big on parkour, but it looks pretty damn good to me. The only flaws I see are the flow reversal when jumping off the pipe and the final jump, which looked a bit wierd.
Otherwise, loved the spins and jumps you did over the obstacles right before the end, it flowed very well. Nice replay
oh yeah
Interesting replay, flowed well. Only problem is that it was a little twitchy right before the jump, though that might just be your style.

Second kick could have been cleaner or a boom, but I suppose it looks decent as-is. Looked kinda weak how you pulled it back so early, though.

Can't really say more than that.
I do some videos
Feel free to PM me for any video-related questions
Wow cool replay.
Run was, you know, a run. Nothing special about it, you do it all the time.
The double kick was really nice, didn't really expect the second kick.
Jump was nice, good spin.
Double hits were nice, looks weak though.
Transition to the pose was alright, movement during that was eh.
Pretty cool replay due to the fact that the two hits were fast and didn't look too strong.
I really liked the jump to the split too, for some reason. It just looked smooth and not twitchy.
Not a fan of the knee contracting right after the kick though. While I know that it was what made the hit look subtle, maybe you could have found a way of fixing the twitchyness and still making it look nice and weak.
No problems with the pose.

Pcool replay.
oh yeah
Thanks for the CnC , appreciated

So I've been thinking about something:
I love hacking replays. It's a lot of fun and not enough people do it, try it out sometime.
Hacking is extremely easy to abuse though. Look at this replay for example, who of you would be able to tell that it's hacked without a closer inspection. Not many, as the only good way to detect a hack like this is to open the replay file in and text editing program and look up the frame where the potential hax might be, then look at all the numbers to try and tell if it's hacked or not. Who the hell goes through that effort anyway?
This worries me. I'm getting paranoi-ish thoughts when I think about how many of the communities skilled players, who I've looked up to for a long time, actually have the possibility to hack their replays, without anyone ever noticing it. Now I'm not saying there ARE people who enhences their replays by editing them in notepad/textedit without telling their fans/the rest of the community, but the possiblity is surely there. And this frightens me.

Hacking is not hard to learn, and the possibility to learn it is there for EVERYONE. With minor effort a semi skilled player could make replays considered extremely good.

Note how I'm not talking about hacking DMs, because that's really easy to detect.
With easily earned power comes great resonsibility.
Attached Files
hAax.rpl (196.6 KB, 89 views)
Last edited by jisse; Oct 31, 2013 at 02:46 AM.
great hacking.
Had to run through the replay like 5 times before I noticed where you hacked it.
Movement wasn't the greatest, pretty loose and limp I guess. But the hacking was spot-on. There was no way you should've been able to get that cork legitimately.
You've always been a great replay hacker, ever since you first started. Easily one of my fav hackers. Keep doing stuff like that, it's got some super serious potential.