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[MS] Rags to Riches

Hosted by the Market Squids!

Art by Yiazmat

Think you're a top-tier marketeer? Then put your money where your mouth is and battle it out in the economy to earn the most TC. Can you go from Rags to Riches?

Each contestant will receive an account with 20,000 Qi (So you can buy any item you need), and you are to use this account to do your marketing. It will have a special character at the beginning of the username to hinder the account from going ingame. This account will be permabanned after the event is over. You will have 5k to start with (provided by you as an entry fee). From there, you will use this alternate account to buy and sell items in order to gain TC.

To enter the event, just post saying here saying "Sent the 5k" or something of that nature and send 5,000 TC to "Marketeers".

1. You may not receive any TC from any other form of monetary gain other than selling items (this includes asking people to give you huge discounts on items due to the event).

2. You may not market using textures (art), as this would be much too difficult to keep track of.

3. All transactions must be done through either SafeTrade or through the market (you cannot send TC directly or receive an item directly to or from users).

4. If you receive 3 infractions on your alternate account, you will be disqualified from the event and the TC you gained will be taken.

5. You cannot use PayPal or any other way of transferring real life money to gain TC or items.

Originally Posted by Risk View Post
Anyone found to be transferring items to or from their event account for any other reason than for legitimate marketing within the rules of this event will be immediately disqualified and have a hefty ban placed on their main account. Please don't try to cheat the system. We want a fun and fair event here.

The 1st place marketeer will receive a collectible item (it's a secret for now), a special achievement, 5 Shiai Tokens, and you will be able to keep your special account.

The 2nd place marketeer will receive a special achievement and 3 Shiai Tokens.

The 3rd place marketeer will receive 1 Shiai token.

The top 5 marketeers will receive a TC prize determined by how well they did compared to everyone else and how many people participated.

Equation for the top 5 marketeers' prizes

All members below the top 5 will be able to keep the TC (and items, given the qi required for the items is equal to or lower than the qi of your main account) they made and send it to their main account after the event is over.

The event will start on May 20th and end on June 20th.

Entries will no longer be accepted 24 hours before the event starts. Midnight on the 19th (0 GMT)

If you have any questions, PM a market squid.
Last edited by Clay; May 16, 2014 at 07:29 PM.
Do WE HAVE to sell to everyone that's in this event? If so, none of my high qi items shall leave my inventory. I am not supplying to low belts for free non-qi shit
X|Twitter: @YRBWrld |-| FB: @YRBWrldFP
Discord: Discord Me
Seems like fun, I've already seen one player get 512x512 head for 5k and second one full 128 trails for 5k. It seems it will be fair event!
Such a money gain that early will be huge advantage and those not fair people will simply win it. Have fun participants.

Good luck all, regular members without friends help for sure will have a chance. And those are just few minutes after start, not mentioning all situations like this happening tomorrow (when Europe gets up) etc.
Last edited by Thrandir; May 21, 2014 at 02:00 AM.
Let the marketing begin!

All account info has been sent to the users entered in the event. You may now use that account to start marketing and racking up that profit.

May the best marketeer win!
Have Fun | Enjoy Life | Stay cool
Yeah, fist was joking and tried to cheat the system I guess. Wanted the 5k to be sent to his r2r account and send the item from his main. Looks like creati0n got a nice and easy early lead.


This event has screwed up my mind and progress of marketing...

Thanks alot, now players won't sell to me because I didn't want to do this event.
X|Twitter: @YRBWrld |-| FB: @YRBWrldFP
Discord: Discord Me
Good investigating, sheva.

This is easily catchable, like sheva just demonstrated. Don't try to cheat the system or you're going to get banned.

r i p kyle
You're always welcome.
For those who are still thinking about cheating in my favourite event, consequences:


Wait, so his primary is banned but the alt isn't?
That doesn't make sense, but at least we know Shevaroller won't be quitting :o
goodbye cruel world
Question because my dongers are in a bundle:
Can we market textures using this alt, and it simply won't be shown as profit for this prize
or does it just mean we can only bother with items at all?