Just saw "Revolutionary Road" and "Extract"
Rev road:
It had good acting but that's about it. Very predictable but also pretty interesting.

Laugh out loud funny. If your a fan of Arrested Development or Office Space you should go see this.

And for both movies I'd say the trailer is misleading and does not do them justice.
The last movie i saw was the Fast and the furious 1 (channel zapping) which was not that good. The effect were kinda lame but those cars were cool. taking in account the year it was filmed id say its a 7.5/10
I Watched Donnie Darko Again last night I'd Recomend It To anyone if your smart enough to understand the plot line.
Originally Posted by firebolt309 View Post
The latest movie i watched was dead silence. it was sick!

That movie's awesome! Lol. And if you ever scream. She'll rip your eyes out from the seam.

Just saw Diary of the Dead. I am a somewhat big George A. Romero fan.
I didn't really like Dawn of the Dead but I LOVED Land of the Dead.
So I wanted to see this one.
It was horrible. I was asking my friend if he just wanted to play video games instead. We even skipped through one of the talking scenes. The plot was so dull and boring. With a stupid ending.
I saw sooooooooo many moves since a month ago. 2 Latest ones are Couples Retreat and A Perfect Getaway

Couples Retreat: It has a long list of famous great actors with a fun plot. It's nothing extrememly special, but holds together well. Think of it as a more serious version of Date movie, and with good actors. 7/10

A Perfect Getaway: I love horror movies, and don't get to watch them in theaters that much. So I was really excited to see this. This movie has pretty much nothing going on in it, except for maybe the last 10 minutes. The script is pretty stupid. And the camera angles make it feel like a reality TV show. The ending is supposed to be a twist ending, but it's pretty predictable. It also doesn't fit with the rest of the movie at all. To sum it up, this movie has little to no fear in it, stupid script, and a bad ending. Horror and action fans will be disappointed, even drama fans. 3/10
I recently saw zombieland and I loved it.

Scared the crap out of me a couple of times and was one of the funniest movies I saw in a while.

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