masterx3 -> april isn't the only replay maker, lololerz is a replay maker.
dafa juga kan...?
Like a lie
Originally Posted by jokerstein View Post
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Should we kick 17april?
(As suggested by some people)

No, there is no reason as to why we should kick him.
Yes i agree, dafa is the best replay maker but hes inactive rite?

eh btw lololerz ORMO yaaa, brati ada 3 rplay maker dongg haha
Last edited by masterx3; Apr 24, 2013 at 05:36 PM.
Well is there any reasons to kick him beside make our organization shame or something?
Well I'll say neutral for this case.
Ya emang sih bikin malu, cuman ya kita harus pertimbangkan juga
errmm why we decide to kick him again
make the pinpoint about it
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you