The opener and followup was verryyy unique! The middle run was nothing I've ever seen before, exactly like the double grab! I think this is one of the best replays I've ever seen, even though I haven't seen many c:
Opener was real fine.
The first couple of hits were a bit off, since they sort of reversed the momentum back and forth.
Everything after that, and all the hits were nice. Liked the run too.
The first two hits were cool. Liked the flow there.
I feel like the split could be made into core just for the sake of dms. Same thing with the groin hit.
The final hit was cool, since it wasn't overly spinny transition abuse. Liked the way the pec carried on your foot c:
I tried to make a creative selfspar
make cnc as harsh as possible. Ill try to return it when I have a chance
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The opener for both players was nice, nothing extraordinary but it was a good start to your spar. uke's left leg twitched right before the jump. Kicking tori's back got you some good air and that was pretty cool, I think the jump had potential for a spin or something with uke, the flip looked lazy and boring.
The knee spin you did looked really awesome, i love it. At 400 you block uke's kick with your hand but the contracted foot hits your head and that looks pretty bad imo.
The part at 200 where uke and tori jumped towards eachother was preetty nice, good job.
The ko should have been flashier imo, the plain punch just wasnt enough.

Your movement in this replay was pretty awesome. The stuff you did was actually pretty creative like the knee spin at 600 and the spinny uke jump near the end. However the difference between your movement and uke's is noticeable. I mean, you're doing fancy spins and jumps all the time and uke mostly does simple punches and kicks.
More cooperation between tori and uke would raise the quality of your spar a lot. by that i mean it needs more blocks and well planned strikes. Since its a self spar you can prevent random hits and make it much more interesting to watch

B) i dont know anything about sspars so ignore my post
(╯°□°)╯︵ pɐǝɹɥʇ ʎɐldǝɹ
Collab between me and dezrai
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Jclezrai.rpl (388.6 KB, 38 views)
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The opener to the first kick was pretty cool, it was fun to watch and other than a slightly twitchy arm I didn't notice anything wrong with it. The manip was ok.
The dms felt kind of.. lazy?
Idk, it seemed like either you or dezrai could have worked on some of those kicks a bit more. Some of them were at pretty bad angles, like the one at 369. I kind of liked the decap though. The self-damage was alright. I think if you edited it you could easily get that glute. The skeet felt kind of stiff and out of place. It doesn't really look like your style, so I'm guessing dezrai did that part. The pose was meh.
Im starting to shake off the rustiness
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I am sooo meessssyyyy.rpl (295.7 KB, 36 views)
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In the very start it looked like you would pull off a very good opener, but I got completely turned off when you quickly extended your leg and went straight to the ground with your butt.
You got some good momentum out of it, though. That back kick sure had to be a boomhit, you had the power for it, and with just a few more tries you could have the aiming for it.
The grabbing DM annoyed me a bit. Unfortunately, it is a bad habit you've got to slowly stop. (I do it a lot myself too, and I know how hard it is to not grab)
Once again, you had a lot of power coming in, but not the right aiming. That kick could have been a huge and sexy boomhit.
The spin you did afterwards looked nice and with a nice flow.
And, once again, you had a nice chance for a boomhit, but this time you just didn't use the momentum you had to punch.
The pose was nice, but it annoyed me how you switched the direction of the flow to get the pose.

Don't get me wrong in all my harshness, the replay looked very nice, I just think you had a lot of potential and didn't use it.
Last edited by Rial; Mar 7, 2014 at 01:13 AM.
that was really great except when you hit your head and maybe the transition to the decap was a bit slower than the rest of the replay and that left leg looked weird, but everything else was great and i love how you didnt go for any boomhit because it wouldnt have been the optimal choice tbh
oh yeah
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
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