Original Post
Toribash 3.4 (codename grippeh)

I have a new release with private servers. This means you can create your own Toribash rooms. This also means that the clan servers have been removed. If you want a clan server just create it on the fly. If you create a server you will be operator in it (and get the @ prefix). With this you can do the usual server administration but also give and take @ from other player sin the room (using /op /deop).
Last edited by veb; Aug 4, 2008 at 09:55 PM.
I like the update because you are able to play only with ur friends now.
Which im enjoying even more than playing with some random people.
Originally Posted by Demonkille View Post
Kes..... English isnt the easiest to everyone else only if you was born in england...

Oh man oh man. Look at my location in my profile if you need more info.
Originally Posted by Ragdollmaster View Post
STOP BITCHING. THE PROS OUTWIEGH THE CONS. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE FREE GAME WE HAVE BEEN PROVIDED, GET THE FUCK OUT. What entitles you to complain about something everyone's been begging for since the old private server hoster was taken down? NOTHING.

To those of you with genuine questions, not "OMG DIZ SUZK!" please post them in support where they properly belong, or visit the IRC. Channel, room #toribash.

yeah it's nice that you guys have provided a free game, and very nice specially because it works on all three main platforms, windows, linux and macOS.
The thing why everyone's complaining is that you don't give any feedback of what's going on, you aren't descriptive about your problems AND people really sent you money for private servers, which now are freely available. Would they have sent you money in the first place if they knew it was for nothing? Guess not.

I'm still throwing random guesses, but I guess you developers, inculding Hampa, have other things to do also than developing this great game, yes? So why not describe these "known bugs" a bit more careful, and make a promise of an upcoming update that'll fix them. A timetable or so would be great. It doesn't need to be soon, it just has to be there, so that people know you are doing something about the problems. The more you fix bugs and glitches, the more there will be players to earn TC's, buy boosters and eventually, buy TC's and use the torishop, which means more money in your pockets.
Last edited by Kesman; Aug 6, 2008 at 02:15 PM.
Ok, I like the newer version, but Ive compiled a small bug list, and some fixes that i found to work for me.

Not getting admin when creating a server. Login in again

Not being able to create a server if you've created one recently. Login in again

Getting the error, Cannot Connect to lobby, idk what this is but it screws over my MP

Commands not working, Your just a noob admin, GO HERE AND STOP BUGGING US

And people, give up the clan server insanity, your just wasting your time, Its obvious that your not going to get your money back, so just stop spamming this thread with, OMG THIS DONT WORK HALP MEH PL0X, and, YOU @#%%ing &$&^% WASTED MY %$%ing CASH!!!!11
Last edited by Canb27; Aug 6, 2008 at 04:13 PM.
------------------------->TEH PARTY PAGE<--------------

Originally Posted by doublejas View Post
i dont like 3.4 because....

1. any random person can create a server
2. tons of glitches
3. wont let me create a server
4. the clans were my favoritve part of toribash and now there all gone
5. when u create a server it doesnt stay there so u got to create a new one
6. i think u should create a new version were 3.4 and there version b4 r some how togather in the same version with clans
7. i think there should be a belt rank to use a server if 3.4 stays
8. im srry tampa and nabi but i really needs to be fixed
9. any person will agree with me in my terms who wants it fixed^.^
10. plz do something about it!

Reasons why you're annoying me.

1. Your bitching over a FREE game.
2. All computer programs have glitches, nothing is perfect.
3. You must be blind.
4. Deal with it!
5. Yeah! So go create a new one! Problem solved.
6. I think you should make your own version of Toribash and see how well that goes.
7. You can think all you want.
8. They don't have to fix it, it's just fine with me. Don't expect perfection out of everything that's FREE and then bitch about it not being perfect.

9. Seriously, if you don't like the new version, please do not play, we're sick and tired of hearing your meaningless complaints.
10. If you want it fixed so bad then do it yourself.

I have left Toribash, but will drop in occasionally on the forums and IRC. Still in Sigma.
Originally Posted by Shazikuro View Post
yes...the most toribash players are from asia! i am from germany but i know that the most of toribashers came from is a asian game xD i think...

it looks like brasil, russia and usa hold the first 3 places.
and there is very litle asian players. seriously.
I have done a new release of the server fixing some bugs we had during the first day.

I am now moving over to some fixes for the client and hopefull we get a linux version out soon as well.

If you still get bugs related to MP, please post in the bug thread in support.
