Originally Posted by DaPwnner View Post
She said that her sister raped him, thus, he did not bang his sister, but his sister banged him.. lol. anyways, 13, virgin. Losing it in my culture before marriage is greatly frowned upon and some people got caned for it.

C'mon. A nine Year old gets raped by his sister. Thats even bigger Shit. I believe that at the Moment i stand in that Town and talk to "Chris".
And bout' yo post, do you live in uhmm.. somewhere in the Region of Arabia or israel? I don't wanna be Racist or Offence, if it seems like that.

Originally Posted by maldiluna View Post
to get rid of all those things my parents forced me to believe in

I turned on the tv and we watched total request live on mtv for more than 1 hour without speaking

That are the wisest(?) two sentences i read in this Thread yet.

EDIT: To every Mod or Admin, sorry for doublepost.

Why apologize when you can just not make a doublepost hrrrg. -jalis
Last edited by Jalis; Oct 23, 2009 at 03:23 PM.
More detailed things other that a quick post due to IRC and my drunken female friend who wanted in.

I regret my first time, I honesty do. Since I was 13 I was heart stricken by a girl by the name of Annie. She was amazing.. I would do anything for her and I would stand by her side as her friend, but with the occasional hint. I would sit next to her in most of my lessons, non-stop chatting and getting to know her to mould myself to what I thought she wanted...

She went to this social thing once a week, and after a year or so I went too with another friend. I didn't realise at the same time that they were the same one. So, I turn up and try to show her something new in me; something to show her that me being there would show a new side of me so I could start again. This did not go to plan...

She took that as me moving in on her friends and territory, even when we were so close. Not to mention me coming in and acting as perfect as I could be caught the attention of another girl there.

I needed the practice around girls, so I would flirt with everyone but the one I wanted because I was too embarrassed. Another bad move, she thought I didn't like her.

One of the girls, Ellen, fell in like with me. Serious 'like'. She dumped her boyfriend and asked me out within the space of 10 minutes or so. Me being too kind, I said yes.. She'd guilt me into bed where I forced myself to act like I enjoyed it. I hated it. We slept with each other 3 weeks after my first kiss. I was not saving that for her.

That relationship lasted just over 5 months of torture and I soon moved on but my connection with the girl I loved so much never rekindled. I regret my first time.. I no longer have anything as special to give to the next person I feel that way about. I go from girl to girl; maybe the occasional guy.

I suppose it taught me where to stand with people and when I should act.
Quickly and confidently, but not too strongly.

I do not think I will find another Annie.
If you have a chance now I suggest you take it... I'd give anything to go back and teach myself what I know now. Things could have been so good.
Knowing never is better than never knowing!
"Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork."
Originally Posted by Monobi View Post
I regret my first time

The only time you regret sex is if you get a std. I can't think of any other situation. Dude you made that girl leave her friend to have sex with you. HighFive!

Originally Posted by Monobi View Post
I would do anything for her and I would stand by her side as her friend, but with the occasional hint.

That always fails.

Originally Posted by Monobi View Post
I needed the practice around girls, so I would flirt with everyone but the one I wanted because I was too embarrassed. Another bad move, she thought I didn't like her.

Actually I think this was your only good move to get her. Being successful with girls is hot. And she was probably jealous. You just spent too less attention to her.

Originally Posted by Monobi View Post
She dumped her boyfriend and asked me out within the space of 10 minutes or so. She'd guilt me into bed


Originally Posted by Monobi View Post
I no longer have anything as special to give to the next person I feel that way about.

Sperm is sperm. No matter how often you shoot. It's just sex dude.

Originally Posted by Monobi View Post
I go from girl to girl; maybe the occasional guy.

Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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Feelings may be occasionally involved when you have sex with someone, and it's not a marginal aspect.
Originally Posted by maldiluna View Post

Feelings may be occasionally involved when you have sex with someone, and it's not a marginal aspect.

Well, I appear to be a virgin. If I lost my virginity before 16 (Which is the legal age here) and my mum found out, she'd murder me.
Non virgin, 14.

I lost it at the start of year, ever since then, I guess you could say I've had a darker opinion on things. Judge me however you want, the fact is like most prople here, I've been through enough shit so far that petty comments like 'emo' don't phase me.

As I was saying, I lost it just after my birthday to someone who is now burried in the ground. I don't know why or how but I was just baked and drunk and passed out on a lounge at a party. At that I had a girlfriend but went to the party alone and as fate would have it, some chick by the name of Shannon, was drunk and had a crush on me. She started rubbing me down and whatever happened happened. I can't remember it clearly but I know for a fact we did it. I woke up with her laying slightly on top of me, bra-less and her underwear around her feet. I was completely naked with scratch and bite marks all over my torso. After that we got into a relationship for month or so, we had sex 4 times after that. Evantually it just wore off and took an arguement to make us go our own seperate ways. 6 months later, her little brother tells me that shes been hit by a car. She didn't make it that night.

At that time I didn't exactly have an emotional breakdown but it was very up setting at the time, but do I regret it? No, but I guess it just opened up my eyes a bit and made me emotionally numb on a subject called 'love'.
Last edited by B0sS; Oct 24, 2009 at 03:37 PM.
[21:47]<B0sS>Alphonse: FUCK YOU AND YOUR SIG
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