There is a script that does that, lemme find it.
Why hard ? There are scripts that sets velocity eg. that script if you press q your hand launches, so why it will be hard to make ? instead of putting big velocity just 0.
You can only add new forces, not change old ones. Meaning you'd need to have a way to get the current velocity vector. And you can't.
Originally Posted by jaredvcxz View Post
Is it possible to make a Russian to English translation script?

No, chat message interception is currently impossible.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Originally Posted by suomynona View Post
No, chat message interception is currently impossible.

Although hampa said he would implement it soon on IRC.

How about some sort of script that writes scripts?(I am officially out of ideas after this...)
i liek turtelz xd