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How would you change Toribash? Over 1 million TC worth of prizes!


How would you change Toribash?

Hey there. I'm quitting Toribash, and therefore need to find a home for all my items and TC. Due to my failure to sell my account, I've decided to host this event.

The aim of the event is to detail how you would change toribash if you were put in charge for a day. You need to identify the areas that need improvement in the game and the forums, and address them in your own work.

I want to let your imagination flow, so you can enter in any way you want. You can create a piece of art, write an essay, design a mod ir maybe even make a model. the choices are endless and I can guarantee I will make it worth your work. Who knows, maybe even the developers could learn from your ideas

The prizes

This event has perhaps the biggest prize pot ever in toribash history (correct me if i'm wrong!), with over 1,000,000TC overall being given away, via items, sets or just TC.

1st prize - 600,000TC

2nd prize - MY INVENTORY (worth around 500k)

3rd prize - this texture set and this head texture. (head made by zanzaba <3, set made by me)


No plagurism (copying other people's work)
My decision is final on the winners

This competition will end in two weeks, good luck!

Last edited by BirdFlu; Nov 17, 2009 at 07:30 PM.
Quit, probably.
Originally Posted by Kordiss View Post
I'd love

You would, maybe some others would, but some wouldn't. Realism, realism, I see that everyfuckingwhere, what I like in toribash that it's different from real world. But that's not discussion thread, let's end on this.

Good luck everyone :P

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
dude Koven no offense but toriracing already exists i saw the mod before so yea sry


You`d usually think youd see 2 or 3 hookers a day. but nyou don`t. thats why we have strip clubs
if i were in charge, i would ask the to add a 3 person match to be added to the mod list for all categories.

i would prevent the word "noob" from being typed by replacing the typed word with a diff word, like new guy or something non hurtful to the newcomer.

I would also want to hold monthly costume contests, hight contests, and other contests *officially* since people do it anyway, why not make it so the best one can get somthing nice for there unique talent.

I would ask the dev. team to allow us to add spikes, or "attachments" to our tori bash character for an even more personalized feel, of course at the risk of giving the opponent extra points if there chopped off.

I would allow all textures to be free, simply because the productivity of individuals are being held back because some new guys don't even know how to make a texture, so instead of throwing away TC for a blank texture, they should be able to buy a 2K texture from a person, thus making the TC flow instead of it disappearing forever.

this wasnt realy submitted for the TC or other fabulous items that you possess, but the title intrigued me, sounds like you have had many attachments to this awsome game, and its a shame you cant continue. i wish you the best of luck finding that worthy person.
Well if i get the command for a day i create a patch that add new possibility of moves and more basic moves in the tutorial. i earn a tc booster for all the players online and a commemorative achievement for that special day. i add some cheat that guarantee at a player to excecute new spettacular moves and set the level gravity ingame for do faboulus air combat. i add in the torishop a new collection of body colors and one of them are free!!!! at the end i create a toribash for mobile phone, because i want play toribash everywhere!!!!!!!
it's sounds great right?
Oh and an hard mode for black belt players:
the black belt players fight at the same time of the other players but the black belt players are too small and they put an eye to the other players if they want survive!!
Originally Posted by SpikeyPWN View Post
if i were in charge, i would ask the to add a 3 person match to be added to the mod list for all categories.

Please! already mentioned like a couple of million times.

i would prevent the word "noob" from being typed by replacing the typed word with a diff word, like new guy or something non hurtful to the newcomer.

Just dont writre noob to noobs then

I would also want to hold monthly costume contests, hight contests, and other contests *officially* since people do it anyway, why not make it so the best one can get somthing nice for there unique talent.

you mean with textures? kind of nice

I would ask the dev. team to allow us to add spikes, or "attachments" to our tori bash character for an even more personalized feel, of course at the risk of giving the opponent extra points if there chopped off.

No. too big change. would ruin the equalised system of toribash.

I would allow all textures to be free, simply because the productivity of individuals are being held back because some new guys don't even know how to make a texture, so instead of throwing away TC for a blank texture, they should be able to buy a 2K texture from a person, thus making the TC flow instead of it disappearing forever.

Textures shouldnt be free. then its nothing special to have them. like qi. and the rest i dont quite understand

and btw, i guess i wasnt finnished, changed my entry once again. (p.11)
Last edited by RevengR; Nov 11, 2009 at 08:24 AM.
Swedish Viking
blah,blah,blah. These have all been mentioned before spikeypwn, just be glad that they dont still charge for toribash membership, and accept that earning textures will either cost you in time and effort, or in cash, Newbie or not. Everyone else had to.
Technical Old School. - It exists.
@All these "Moar tc per win, free textures, free boosters and stuff...

Items don't change gameplay. If they would...that wouldn't be fair.
But now, you don't need TCs to be good, and that's the best way for NABI to earn money so oh yeah.

i think that there should be like clan olimpics every once in a while. they have to polevolt, hurtle jump, trampoline, (maybe) pingpong, swim(ill make a mod for that if you it happens), box, and last but not least, wrestle. after the best clans are bruoght to the stadium, then whoever wins is awarded 90k(or less or more) an olimpics achievment and a full color ste of there choice.

edit: oh yeah, and if i was in charge of toribash then, if someone scams (even 1 tc) then i take all there items, even the ones they didnt scam, and give it to who he scamed. because it is pretty hard to get that much tc without paying, tourneys(like tori olimpics that i would like to know if it works out), and buyig. also, if you scam the tc the person bought, thats pretty much stealing there money.

if you ever try selling in a multiplayer server then it'll spec you and show the name and products of your store(to prevent scamming) and if you dont have the item you said you would sell them (scamming) then your banned from multiplayer for a while.

tori temple. i think that every month that toribashians have a big battle. the last 20,or 10, people standing are moved to a tori temple. the toritelple is a place were you fight . the last 10, or five, people fight on top if the temple. the winner is the tori temple owner and in it, you will find various gifts from people every week(or just tc). the tori temple will be named after you( so say i won, Sunblade1's tori temple,) then you can hold tourneys, without paying for it yourself. that temple stays yours forever and the next month or so, then another mass of people fight for a difff temple. the temple will give you temperary mod power but if you abuse it then the temple and stuff you got from it is givrn to a rondom player that dosent have one.
Last edited by SunBlade1; Nov 11, 2009 at 03:59 PM.